Up early again this morning to go on a trip to Milford Sound! It was a mammoth journey, 10 hours on the bus altogether! The bus driver was awful as well, telling us a load of rubbish like "out to our left we have some may notice we have a lot of sheep in NZ...". He also talked really slowly and left really long pauses in between talking rubbish where he left the microphone on and you could just hear him breathing!! Not the best craic in the world. Jay was on the bus too and he was good enough craic. We got chatting to twin girls from London who were really nice, and an English guy called David. The journey there was about 6 hours, very boring! We had a few stops at random places that were probably a bit unnecessary - side of the road to take photos of yet another random mountain anyone?
We finally got to Milford Sound around 3 and went on a 2 hour boat cruise which was pretty cool. A little bit underwhelming because of all the hype about it but still really pretty. The coolest part was when the boat went right up into a really cool waterfall - pretty awesome!
When we got back from the cruise it was straight back onto the bus for a 4 hour bus ride straight back to Queenstown. It went fairly quickly because we chatted the whole way - had some really deep conversations haha, covered so many topics it was a bit mad - good though, they were ally really nice! We got back around 8.30, dumped our stuff, grabbed Christie and went to Fergburger for dinner with Jay and David. It was so good! Had a Bombay chicken burger...actually epic! Then we were back to the hostel to shower etc to meet at 10.15 to go out for a drink before the bars closed at 12 for Good Friday!
We went to World Bar and had a good dance which was really fun, the music was brilliant! Then when it got to midnight we just headed for bed, it was late and we had an early bus the next day - I don't think I'm cut out for proper big nights out any more!
Had a good nights' sleep apart from some lovely people coming in at 2 in the morning, practically shouting at each other making as much noise as possible and turning the lights on and basically being very rude when we were all trying to sleep. Kiwi experience...glad I picked stray!
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