Up early this morning as we had booked our bungee for 9.20 and had to be there half an hour early! Slightly freaking out haha, but pretending it wasn't happening was working pretty well for me! They had computers in the place while we were waiting to get picked up which was cool so used the Internet for a bit.
We got on the bus and tried to keep pretending it wasn't happening haha, stuck the music in and didn't talk much! When we arrived it was like ahhh what are we doing?! I just wanted to get it done as quickly as possible because I knew if I had time to think about it I would freak out. Unfortunately there was lots of tiny girls there and they kept skipping in front of me because they have to change the bungee for different weights which was a bit annoying...all of my psyching myself up was pretty much fading away. I still felt like I could do it though, even as he was strapping my feet up, right to the point where I had to stand up and penguin walk towards the edge. Again it didn't help that he had to rewrap my feet 3 times because he was trying to avoid me hurting the huge blisters I still had on both ankles from the glacier walk!
As soon as I was up I was like, oh god, what have you done! After watching other people and knowing I had to just go, and knowing if I didn't go headfirst I would probably hurt myself...I totally freaked out and didn't want to jump haha, thought I was going to pass out! Then my attempt at going headfirst failed drastically haha. Once I had jumped though it was fine, especially after the first bounce, wasn't too scary! Unfortunately, the efforts to save my feet hadn't been hugely successful though. Having my blisters ripped open was quite significantly painful! I was shaking like crazy when I got in the boat lol, and then had to walk back up to the viewing area where lots of Asian people who had watched me gave me thumbs up haha. It was quite funny seeing their reactions when my feet were covered in blood! I went and ordered my DVD and photos, and then went to find a first aid kit as my right foot was literally trailing blood everywhere, it was pretty gross. Got myself cleaned up in the end though - it was painful, but totally my own fault, and I was really glad I'd done it!
Very funny how most people - like Christie - were like "wow, I wanna go again!" and I was just glad I'd done it and have no intention of ever putting myself through that again haha. Wuss or sensible? I don't know.
After we got ourselves sorted we were back to the bungee centre in town - absolutely knackered! After the adrenaline rush we were seriously tired. We used the computers for a while and I put my video online which was cool! After a bit we went for lunch at Fergburger - the place to eat in Queenstown apparently! It was a pretty good burger - not life changing, but yummy! While there we got talking to the waitress and she was telling us loads of things to do like paragliding which sounded awesome! We also got talking to a couple of American guys sitting beside us who had just done the Nevis bungee (134m!) and I think Christie was getting pretty convinced to do it - pretty sure it's definitely not for me though!
That afternoon we had booked to do a jet boat through the canyons, so we went back to the bungee place where we were getting picked up and used the computers a bit more. While we were there we met Manon and Esther from our previous bus which was really cool! We ended up missing the boat because we didn't hear them calling us, but managed to get on the next one 45 mins later so it wasn't so bad.
The boating was really cool! We went through the canyons and it really felt like LOTR, I almost felt like Frodo...if Frodo had sped around in a jet powered boat haha. It was really fun, went really fast and do loads of spins and stuff too!
After the boat we had a major adrenaline crash, and were both completely shattered! We went straight back to bed for a nap, planning to get up a few hours later and go out and meet the guys from our last bus as a lot of them were leaving the next day!
We got up around 8 and it turned out that a few people in the room we had been chatting to were leaving the next day, so we had a drink with them in the bar below the hostel - called Cowboys - before going to find the others. Cowboys was pretty cool, they had a huge stuffed bear at the entrance and saddles as bar stools haha. After one drink we were ready to go meet the others at their hostel though!
We headed round to Altitude - the bar attached to the Base hostel. The guys had told us that they would be there from around 9, but when we got there we could only find Jay. He was with a Swedish girl called Julia who was nice. We chilled there for quite a while, ha a few drinks and danced a bit, and there was a mini bike race around the bar which we all took part in to try and win a skydive! I somehow managed to get to the quarterfinals but was against Julia who beat me haha, and she lost out at the next round - gutted!
After a bit we gave up on finding the others as they hadn't turned up at the bar, so we started heading towards World Bar for teapots. On the way a girl gave us vouchers for another bar so we stopped there for a drink and ran into the american guys we had been talking to at lunch earlier. We headed on to World Bar and had a teapot and a wee dance, then after an unsuccessful attempt at some pizza ended up in a bar down by the lake (possibly called Waterfront). Jay went home and we stayed for one more drink but it was freezing so we called it a night, via a McDonalds trip!
What a long day!
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