19th March - 23rd March
Went into the jungle for volunteer work.
Stayed with a village called Parainok at the village leaders property. There is a room with tents to sleep in, there is a toilet (with no flush...have to use a bucket of water), and the shower is not a shower - its a room with a large tub of cold water with a bucket for you to pour the cold water over yourself! The only electricity is by generator which comes on for a few hours in the evening! Although shoulder OR knees can be exposed (only in the evening)!!
Spent the week working in a school being run as a summer camp.
The theme of the week was the London Olympics.
Got to teach the children English phrases eg hello, my name is, how are you etc, counting to 20, and some English Olympic sports names.
Played various sports like javelin, shot-put, hammer-throw, three legged race, balloon races etc.
Also created various arts and crafts such as a flag for their teams, mascot, sailing boats, medals and laurels.
Had a fab time this week. Working with these children who just want some attention is so rewarding.
- comments
samantha williams Hy Donna, This sounds like a great week! The bathroom facilities sound interesting! lol love Sam x x
Janet Good to hear you're experiencing real Thai bathrooms! How are you getting on with the squat toilets? The secret is to face the wall not the door. It took me 3 years to work that out.