A marvellous fry-up by Rach to start the day & we decided to definitely get off our lazy arses today & do something. We headed down to the beach to catch a water taxi to West Bay, but ended up using a normal taxi. When we got there we realised why we'd been recommended not to stay there. The beach was gorgeous with white sand & crystal clear waters, but it had large, expensive hotels & complexes. Way out of a lowly traveller's budget. So we had a stroll along the beach amid the packaged holiday tourists, before Rach & I wandered off to find a place to send our necessary faxes to the UK. The staff in the largest complex didn't seem to have too many brain cells between them, so we left them faffing & found a lovely lady in a fashion shop who sent them over for us. We caught the girls up & found a restaurant to have some lunch, where we asked if it was possible to walk along the shoreline back to our bay. "Sure" they said, "it's beach all the way". We soon realised, as we clambered over rocks, that their definition of beach & ours differed quite drastically! However the majority of the 3km walk was really nice & took us about 1.5 hours. We thought we deserved a beer after that & stopped at 'Sundowners' to join the diving crews for a drink & got suckered into buying some DVDs (as I always do!). After the lack of meat in dinner last night, I convinced Rach we should get burgers tonight. And damn, did we! These things were so big, even me being the fat-boy I am couldn't finish it! The odd thing was the American owner of where we got it from. He was an IT geek who seemed to be able to write in multiple software languages & had a sideline/other business of being hired to try & crack people's security software. I was dubious at first, but when he told me multiple facts about Sun & other IT companies, etc. I was more inclined to believe him, as he sat in front of his 2 laptops linked together! Very odd! But great burgers, which we ate back at our place with the girls (& their veggie meal). Afterwards we headed down town to see if there were any hotspots. However after walking the whole length of the 'high street', we'd found nada, so headed to our old favourite, the Blue Marlin for a few beers until about midnight & then home.
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