Each semester O-Week (orientation) comes around for Uni students. Each college, village, and the university itself hosts different o-week events. University events include faculty meetings, class schedule appointments, campus tours, and student sports and society club fairs.
RMIT put on its own o-week for us. The entire week was jam packed with events. They split the complex into multiple teams who competed against eachother. Competetions included a swimming carnival at a local pool, a scavenger hunt around the city, and a sports carnival. Other fun events were put on too including a hilarious comedy show, multiple bbq's, a beach trip, and pub crawl, all capped off by a giant courtyard party with live bands, dj's, and plenty of drinks.
The whole week was insanely busy between all the school focused university events and the fun focused village events. I was really glad I did the Melbourne Welcome because I wasnt so overwhelmed by the craziness of this week. Overall it was a great time. I am really getting settled in here adn getting ready for classes to start next week.
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