Happy Halls Creek - 5th September
It was great to wake up early and not find the tent splattered with bird poo on a pack up day. The ride back to Halls Creek was very enjoyable at only 360km and interesting scenery. We managed to wangle our same shady spot at Halls Creek Caravan Park and only put up the inner part of the tent for a quick getaway next morning.
While cooking tea, at the little camp kitchen by the pool, we had a lovely chat with a bunch of guys who had just come off a Variety Bash. They were actually driving support mechanics vehicles and were part of the organizing team. This was a Victorian Variety Bash so the $1,300,000 raised goes to Children in Victoria. With our little Orlena now being a child with special needs it was so great to talk with these men who spend so much time and their own money raising funds for children with special needs, they were inspiring. Such a lovely bunch who were obviously having a lot of fun doing what they do. "Cowboy" as he was called, and probably because of the huge hat he wore, drove a large truck converted to a mobile workshop to keep the variety Bash cars running. "Towball" named because he spends a lot of time towing Variety cars out of trouble was the overall coordinator of the 6 mobile workshops.
We went to sleep that night inspired by these wonderful people who help children like our Orlena.
Inspired Dave
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