Quite a while since I've done a blog but here we go. I will get a catch up in the next week of our goings on for the last 3 months but in the meantime, we're in Sweden. We had an almighty trip to get here that began at 4pm yesterday, & we walked into our hotel room at 3am this morning. Now a trip to Sweden just should not take that long. Just one of those travel experiences that happen from time to time, and this time, it was our turn. Delayed flight, huge line at customs (thanks Belgrade passengers), then an hour & a half bus ride to Stockholm city centre and we were here. At least our hotel was just around the corner from the bus depot. Exhausted we had a broken sleep until we were up for a latish brekky. Then we rugged up, grabbed our umbrella & headed out into the cold to explore. I needed gloves for sledding so we grabbed a cheap pair & checked out some foreign shops. It was raining a decent amount so we bought a cheap second umbrella to keep us a little drier, then continued the exploring. Soon enough though the rain turned to snow, & continued that way for the rest of the day. As the temperature dropped it got a little too much for Jac so we decided on a sightseeing bus. This was a great way to see the city but due to the snow it made taking photos through the windows hard. We did both routes, however it is dark by about 3.30pm here, so we will jump back on the second route early tomorrow. We then headed home for a few hours rest before finding a pub close by for some Swedish ciders & a feed. Unfortunately it would of cost us over £60 for a basic pub meal so we decided on a burger chain called Max. Then back home to the warmth & a nice easy night. It is still snowing a blizzard outside but that has given a beautiful coating to the city. Now what do we think of Stockholm? It is very beautiful. Not Amsterdam beautiful but stil very spectacular as it is set on connected islands with lots of parkland. You can see how it would look amazing in spring & summer. The people are soo friendly too & seem to love the fact we are from Australia (well who wouldn't?). We are loving Sweden so far with another day in Stockholm tomorrow to explore some more. Then it's up north tomorrow night to Swedish Lapland for some dog sledding. Really hope we get to see the northern lights.
- comments
Jill Pantlin It all sounds so lovely although I'm not too sure about all that snow. Keep warm. It's lovely to read about your adventures. xoxoxox