Hey all,
We stayed in Surfers Paradise for 4 night from the 14th-18th to see some more beach sights after our trip to Byron Bay. The Oz bus was only an hour and then we arrived on the Gold Coast and entered Queensland the Sunshine State! whoop! They call it a mini miami with all it's 'high risers' as the aussies call it and beautiful people! There wasnt much to do though other than party and the places reminded us of spain so we werent that impressed. The beach was too dangerous to go in at times with parts of it tapped off from swimmers. The hostel was nice and chilled though so we walked around the area and court the sun for some cheap days. We did go out on the 'Backpackers Big NIght' out with several other backpackers along the coast which was fun. Freebies everywhere lol. The best part was meeting my old boss Erin from the Roman Bath who is manager at a restaurant/nightclub called Melbas. We met up with him and had complementary food and drinks all night! top night! was really nice to catch up with him so made it all worth while. Now where in Brisbane and staying here till Australia Day for some local festivities......more updates to come!
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