Hi, from a flooded Siem Reap, it has been great fun cycling home tonight through water about two feet deep for about 6 km, but it was very hard work pushing the pedals round, particularly underwater. It was difficult to know which was the river and what was the road. The road was very busy with motos, tuktuks, lorries, 4 wheel drives, buses and people walking and swimming everywhere. The spirit and atmosphere was great, but the cycling was very tough as the wash and currents came from every direction. My pride didn't want to let me fall off and I was worried that if I did, I would not be able to get going again. The water was wonderfully warm as it touched you, but I had to completely close my mind to what was in it.
So many people were carrying nets and baskets to catch fish, so dinner would be extra special tonight for the lucky ones. We watched many teenagers jumping off banks and bridges into the swollen water having great fun, but also some lose their lives because the cannot swim and nobody realises they are in trouble and others being too adventurous dive and hit their head below the water level. I think the locals appreciated our endeavour, but at least we were coming home to a dry house and pleasant conditions. Many homes are flooded inside and totally surrounded, goodness knows how everyone copes. The house below my room window was trying to cook this morning in one of the stoves which looks like a flower pot, at least it was small and light enough to lift up from ground level. Three members of staff I work with had their homes( which only consist of one room) flooded inside last night whilst they slept.
All this is the result of a tremendous storm which lasted for about 8 hrs last night, fortunately today as been dry so far, but the forecast for the next 5 days is for more heavy rain. We have been advised to get in stocks of food as the waster outside here is deep for a fair stretch and the tuktuks will not come in the present conditions. I don't think I'm prepared to ride my bike as the road surfaces are disappearing rapidly and leaving dangerous craters behind. The rains started whilst we were in town last night night, and we were very lucky to get a tuktuk to bring us back as the lightning was flashing all around us and thunder rumbling, fortunately the power didn't go off this time.
Meryl and Jon have now got the worry of whether they will be able to leave Siem Reap tomorrow for Phnom Penh, the next stage of their travels before they leave for Hanoi on Sat. A bus is supposed to be picking them up here at about 6:45 in the am. They certainly have had some new experiences. Their journey to Grace House was through the flood water and then we were able to walk around a bit of Kor Kranh and see the homes and what had happened to them.
From a beautifully sunny afternoon in Wat Bo but surrounded by flood water! Have a good day, J
Apparently the kitchen upstairs here have been stocking up on food, so I bet they hope we can't get out so that it won't be wasted.
- comments
ros You are phenomenal to use one of your expressions! I hope Meryl and Jon get away ok - what a tricky situation! Please take care Jenny. Best wishes Ros