Hi, I have spent the last two days helping to give Grace House a deep clean. As everywhere has a large proportion open to the elements everywhere is very dusty, sticky and dirty. I scrubbed all the walls internally and externally,and then on hands and knees scrubbed the classroom floor. Then I helped to paint the walls of the office, so you can imagine I came back filthy dirty yet again and exhausted. I didn't really feel too motivated as I cycled in today because I knew I had to clean and tidy the cupboard I have been using - after six weeks of my rubbish, all the kids work, toothbrushes, and their folders it was horrible and as I pulled everything out three ginormous coachroaches raced out. I screamed and ran as I dreaded them touching my bare feet, I was abe to kill them with a piece of wood that was lying around! anyway I completed that and then put back up the work and things I had taken down. Lunch followed and then I had to discuss with Bridget the document I have written on classroom management and planning a lesson to teach. Fortunately she thought it was good and would help future Vols - I hope so too as it took me ages to write. After that I fiddled about before racing back to avoid the rain, however, it still hasn't arrived. One thing that I have noticed is that the fine motor skills of the Knymer children is so much better than ours - perhaps it is because they have to learn such complicated characters just to be a ble to write their own name. Their colouring in, drawing, sketching and writing would put the majority of our kids to shame - this true of even the pre-school children.
I had an interesting ride to school this morning - within about half a mile I had seen three people riding on a moto carrying a set up drip and then a moto overtook me and in a basket on the back of it were two young cows strapped up and upside down, but looking about. Then that was topped by seeing a water buffalo in a small trailor being pulled by a moto.
Lindy, who was mugged has some very impressive bruises, but is still struggling to get a police report, they do not want to beleive it happened!
I am not working the rest of the week because of the Pchum Benh holiday, so will be busily showing Meryl and Jon around - hopefully some of it on our bikes.
Take care, love to all, J
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