Hi, I think I now have this thing sussed and can use it properly. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first week, but have not completely come to terms with the heat and humidity. The humidity is very tiring and makes sleep difficult, I have not succumbed to air-con, but the fan does not really make it much better when you are trying to sleep.
Accommodation is fine and the other Vols very friendly and helpful, we are a mixture of Australians, Japanese, American and me. All Aus female and we get along well, going out for dinner, investigating and generally helping.
During the daytime we travel on our bikes, at times that is terrifying as there are not many road rules, other than be on the righthand side, to cross over you just filter in between and hope everybody misses you. There are more motorised vehicles here than last time, but stll bikes, tuk-tuks, scooters and small motor bikes predominate.
Grace House is very interesting and I'm extremely impressed with what they are doing for the villages around them, there is financial, food and job support for some families and about 200 hundred children receive 2 hrs of English teaching a day and there another 200 hundred waiting for a place.
I teach 2 or 3 classes a day, the am one between 30 and 40 children 7 -14 yrs and pm is about 30 of the same age range. The afternoon class has some very naughty boys, but their lives and living conditions are grim. The Khymer teacher teaches the first hour and I support her with the grammar, spelling and pronunciation of English and THEN all the children are given their toothbrush and some toothpaste to clean their teeth - it is quite a sight, but none of them have the facilities at home. After that I teach for one hour - out topic for Sept is Our World. This is repeated in the afternoon for the other group. Then between 3pm and 4 every day there is an adult class which I help at. The ride to school takes me about 30 mins along a sandy track on the banks of the Siem Reap River through very poor hut housing with people/children washing, swimming and fishing in a very low and polluted river because the rains have not come.
Have met many interesting people and it great for someone to shout out to you because they recognise you. Sometimes all you can hear is "Cher" which is what the kids call us - they are very keen to see us about.
Unfortunately, I'm now feeling stressed because I haven't prepared my work for next week, so I must go. Also a storm is imminent and a power cut likely. Take care everyone, I'll try to make the next entry more anecdotal than factual. Looking forward to hearing from you. Jenny xx
- comments
Doreen By these photos I would say your camera was worth every penny, I had goose bumps while watching. How lucky for the children with the topic Our World, you will be able to share so many experiences with them about all your adventures which unfortunately our time didn't really allow. I am pleased you are coping with the conditions and hope that continues. Take care, stay safe XX Ps blog would only let me rate one star, should have been five.