Thurs 6pm A strange day at school because the children are still registering for state school and not appearing, but others are telling us that their time to attend has been changed for am to pm and vice versa, so we don't know our class sizes or who will be in each one. We have been giving out free uniforms to children, but they will wear the same one every day of the week and for the whole school year. One lady was in this morning wanting us to take her daughter to the dentist because of toothache, but we had no one available so she will have to wait until there is. The parents do not go into Siem Reap and could not afford the treatment. We were able to give her paracytymol to give her. Another granny came in today because her daughter has dumped her cjildren on her, including a baby and on Mon her son did the same - 2 boys. As it is, Grace House is giving her rice every month, are going to put in a loo and water filter. The kids are beautiful, but dirty and covered in many living things! She looks so old and haggard and like so many only has black stumps for teeth. Our teaching has also be distracted for the last 2 days by continuous music and chanting - when someone dies there is a 2 day ceremony after 3 days, another after 7 days and another after 100 days. People move in set up loudspeakers, bring chairs, all the necessary decorations and cooking utensils and then as soon as it is over they are collected and ready for the next. Someone is making big bucks!
A storm is brewing, but it has been a hot, sunny day. When it does come it is torrential, enormous spots coming down vertically, sometimes before one starts it is windy, but that soon dies out.
Time to eat now, have a good day, Love to all, J
Nearly every am as I cycle in I see a couple of men carrying loads of ducks, all strung together, I assumed they were dead, but today I could hear them squawking - they were on their way to the market and would be killed when purchased.
- comments
Elaine Morley Dear Jenny, I hope that you are well. Many thanks for the photos - beautiful, at first deceptive. For example the one with the fair-haired child? I'd have never understood the real reason... With love, Elaine