Sun pm
Tuk tukked into town to rescue bikes, had a pleasant wander around old market and a few shops. Most water their gone in the tremendous heat and better drainage. Very few tourists about due to the season, so people desperate to entice you to eat their food, buy their goods or ride in their tuk tuk. Fortunately, everyone is very pleasant and leaves you alone once you've said no. My bike was fine and I was able to ride most of the way back with dry feet, but once I was on this road to here the floods were there to be negoiated - the amazing thing was the temp of the water, but that was offset by the awful stench of sewage.
I have been out to a hotel to use their free internet and whilst I was there the heavens opened again, but for not too long, for those poor people with leaky roofs and walls and no drainage there is no respite. It will be interestinng to see how many are at school tomorrow. ABC Rice have only earth floors and bamboo walls so there teaching conditions will be grim.
We have had a really nice roast chicken dinner tonight cooked by the Khymer staff here.
The local families who live on each side and opposite us have completely flooded homes and have been standing knee high in water to cook and wash. The poor dogs have not been to impressed with wading through it either.
Will have to find a different route to school The river level should be going up now, but I'm not sure if that will make it less polluted!tomorrow as our way will be too wet and dangerous.
We are going to be learning about the oceans tomorrow. Have a good week, J
- comments
Doreen Reading you blog,its almost like being there with you. Take care, keep safe Doreen xx