Hi everyone!
First of all, thank you for all my lovely birthday cards, presents and messages it was lovely to hear from you all! I have had a fantastic birthday, it really was an unusual birthday for me...sunshine on the 27th December!
After opening lots of cards and prezzies, Chris surprised me with tickets to see Jersey Boys at the Princess Theatre tonight-very happy and giddy!!!!
My first surprise, however was a delicious mini birthday cake from San Churro Chocolatiers complete with candles-very scrummy! We spent the morning walking around St Kilda market which has lots of cool stalls and gifts and then we headed out to the Botanical Gardens where we sat and looked out over the lake for a while in the sunshine :)
We must have picked the best spot in the gardens as we were promptly moved by the marquee guys wanting to set up on the exact spot where we were sitting for a wedding which was due to start in 30 mins-good choice of spot eh?!
After being moved we decided to visit the Terrace Tearooms for that scone we were looking forward to since our last visit-very nice!
In the evening we went to the Princess Theatre and enjoyed the most fantastic show- The Jersey Boys is so funny and the singers were completely mind blowing..Even Chris was grinning from ear to ear! During the show I found it particularly hard trying not to sing along and wail at the top of my voice...This I made up for this by singing 'Big Girls Don't Cry'...all the way home :)
A brilliant birthday-and probably the warmest I will ever have! How weird to think it's not even the 27th at home yet....maybe I should have another birthday tomorrow...UK time!
Speak to you all soon!
Netti xxx
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