Boxing Day greetings possoms!
After a splendid Christmas Day yesterday we woke up to some really nice weather again today, time to head to the beach.....
But beforehand, since we are living so close to the shops in Docklands why not check out the Boxing Day sales for once! Netti actually bought some stuff!! Think she's suffering in the heat :)
The beach we picked was Williamstown as it's easy to get to on the train. Packed up with all the latest beach gear we headed out
Cook a cat it was hot!!! And windy to boot, which was brutal as we couldn't tell if we were burning.....we stayed for a couple of hours before we knew it was time to go. So why not cool down in the sea I hear you cry! Because it was teeming with bloomin jellyfish!
After a First Aid course I took last week (where they spent an hour talking about bites and stings from things including jellyfish!) I've been less enthusiastic to get in the water!! Maybe next time..........
We played some Scatch on the beach in Santa hats, something I've often thought about but never got round to doing! Was surreal but fun, and the diving in the sand led to Netti carving holiday messages into my back! It was still there when we got home!
Finished Boxing Day off with a home cooked Christmas Meal, UK style this time not a BBQ in sight! Divine! :)
Just watching the mandatory Christmas telly then will be off to bed.....after I've wrapped Netti's birthday present, keep forgetting to do that!!!
Merry Christmas to all. and to all a good night! x
- comments
Anna Your naked!!! On a nudist beach christmas day........... bloody brilliant. Love reading the blogs, keep them coming. Hope jeanie baby is having a fab birthday? We watched Australia last night and thought of you..... cheeky bulls! Keep living the dream, muchos love Mulrenan xxxx
nett we are not NAKED! I want to squish that rumour before it starts!!! hahaha! we indeed did have fun on that beach though...lots of scatch action! love you mulrenan speak soon! xxx