We weren't really that keen on going to surfers, we would have rather stayed in Byron but we knew if we didn't go someone would say it was the best place ever. We hadn't heard too many good things about it, mostly things like "I've you've been to Spain you've been to Surfers" and I'd say most of them were right. Not that I have anything against Spain, apart from them being greasy douche bags but it was like Magaluf x10.
We were picked up by the hostel bus and taken to the hostel, it seemed ok when we arrived but for some reason I expected Aussie hostels to be better than they actually are. We had a walk into town through all the high rises and down to the beach for a gander, you can stay on certain parts of the beach after 3pm as the high rises block out the sun, good planning there. We booked some tickets for Dreamworld the theme park next to surfers, hadn't been to theme park in a while so we were looking forward to it.
We had a couple of beers back at the hostel and met 4 Irish guys who were a good laugh although I needed subtitles every now and then. We headed off to bed quite late but any chance of sleep was ruined by some random puking right outside our door for about 2 hours, I think it turned out to be one of the Irish lads who'd been chucked out one of the bars pretty early.
Next day and we were off the theme park, it was good but no where as good as the ones in Florida, everything was about 20 years out of date and they could do with spending a bit of money there. We did get to feed some Kangaroo's which was good fun, we also got to witness some amazing Chinese parenting when a couple took there 4-5 year old child through a horror show, they kid was terrified but they would let him leave, idiots!!
Back at the hostel we had a BBQ and some more beers and spoke to the Irish guys again, we are going to Brisbane tomorrow to meet Brids Cousin Vicki, I don't think we'll be rushing back to Surfers in a hurry.
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