We arrived in Byron around 9ish and the first impressions of the hostel weren't to good, it didn't look to great and was pretty expensive to boot, although being just before xmas everywhere in Byron was gonna be expensive.
We took a stroll around the town to see what it was like. It a very underdeveloped town which is a good thing really as the east coast of oz is the most over developed place in the world, its also full of blo*dy hippies, which I like just as much as gypsies. We saw a bunch of them dancing around like idiots in the park and I would have loved to have thrown a grenade at them. We headed back to the hostel and sat and watched TV for a wee bit before heading off to bed.
Today we headed off to the beach but it was quite windy so we were getting clattered in sand most of the morning so we just played in the sea for a couple of hours. Our suntan lotion techniques could have been better as we both missed a couple of spots and ended up with some red marks on our back which wasn't good. Later on we didn't do anything except eat, the hostel seems to be quite Clichy and no one seems to talk to one another unless you are in the (I moved to Australia with 30pense in my pocket, I work for 2 hours a day to buy goon and get wasted, I'm gonna move here cause its so amazing but who will give me a job doing exactly the same as I am now, oh well I'll just go home after my year visa is finished group) we weren't in this group if you didn't know.
Next day and back down to the beach to work on the tans, we are trying to save some money so we figure hanging about at the beach all day everyday might save us a bob or 2. That night we popped into the off-license to buy some booze and try to infiltrate to Clichy group, and it was like someone had give us a magic wand, they turned out to be pretty decent people and we felt guilty for judging them in the first place. We headed off to a couple of clubs and I even managed to score a couple of (Brid will buy me a playstation 3 points if I dance) points. We skulked off to bed around 1 in the morning.
Next day was pretty much the same as before but with a pizza thrown in for dinner.
Next day and off to the beach again, next we tried to get organized for going north as things were booking up fast, we went into some of the travel agents in Byron and found out they were the most incompetent people ever, they didn't have a clue what they were talking about and just looked everything up on the internet in front of you, what we could have done. We went to 3 different agencies and they were all rubbish so we headed back to the hostel. Someone had stolen Brids wine so she wasn't in to much of a good mood, we bought some more from the bottle shop and ended up at some random clubs again, I even scored some more PS3 points so it should be waiting for me by the time I get home. Brid got wasted and started Irish dancing around the place, after I tried to hunt down somewhere that would sell chips, cheese and gravy but no luck.
Today we met Emily, a girl we met in Bolivia on our jungle tour who lives beside Byron, we spent the day munching on a massive bay kebab down by the beach. That night we went to the travel desk in the hostel and the girl turned out to actually know a thing or two, we booked our advanced diving course in cairns and she was able to tell us heaps of things to do on the west coast. Again we ended up getting drunk, Brid more so than me I think, no idea what time we made it home but we weren't feeling too great the next day.
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