Brids cousin Vicki picked us up from the airport, she'd been over in Ireland not long before but I'd managed to miss her as I was working trying to keep Brid in her life of luxury. We drove back to her house and met her boyfriend Dave who was the brother of Mathew in Melbourne. We also met her 2 massive dogs, 2 white Alaskan huskies called Oscar and Hamoi. We hadn't had any dogs to play with for ages so we were looking forward to playing with them for a couple of days.
We had some Christmas cards waiting for us so we opened then and devoured any chocolates people had sent her. We just stayed up chatting that night before heading off to bed.
Today we went shopping with Vicki and Brid and I bought small bags to fill up with stuff for each other Xmas, we weren't spending to much as we were pretty skint.
We then jumped on a very sweaty bus into town to have a look around where we met Amy the sister of Emily who we met in Byron, she works in Brisbane, we went for lunch with her before Brid managed to buy tons of new clothes even though she needs to throw out about a hundred things if she's gonna close her bag. We headed back to Vicki's on another sweaty bus before doing nothing that night just sitting on our lazy butts.
Next day and it was Christmas eve and very strange it not being cold. We went Christmas food shopping in the morning as me and Brid had booked the Cirque de Soliel for later on that day, Brid had wanted to go for ages. It actually turned out to be pretty good and some of the random stuff they pulled out was good, the show lasted about 2.5 hours and after we had to walk a good distance to find a bus that would take us back into the city centre, we eventually found one and made it back to Vicki's, sweaty. Later that night we went to look at the Xmas lights in one of the neighborhoods near by, it took us a while to find it though as nobody seemed to know where we were going, afterwards we managed to find the Baskins and Robins pretty easy and stuffed our faces.
Brid somehow managed to convince me to go to midnight mass with her, I cant say I was paying that much attention until I was assaulted by some nutter behind me who decided to punch me in the back for not going up for holy communion, this is why I don't go to church as the one time I've been I was assaulted.
Christmas day today and we headed off early to Dave's parents house for a breakfast BBQ, it was really nice and we got plenty of food. We headed back to Vicki's house for a wee bit before headed back to the parents house for some dinner, Brid made another malteser cake which I definitely didn't get enough of. Dave's dad rigged up his laptop so Brid could phone home and speak to her brother and sister. The recession obviously still hasn't made it as far as slatehill and some of the presents being given were pretty big. I spoke to my family later on that night from Vicki's house before we had a couple of beers and headed off to bed.
Long lie in on Boxing Day before Dave and Vicki's mates came over for a BBQ, Brid was scoofing champagne all day so she ended up pretty boozy. Some people who will remain nameless also ended up dancing on the kitchen worktops most of night.
Brid didn't really keep her diary up to date for the next couple of days so I can't remember what we did either. We did go for another BBQ at kangaroo point, just in front of the city. We also headed up to the Australian zoo which is the Steve Irwin zoo, there was the worst statue at the front gate I've ever seen of Steve Irwin. His daughter also freaks me out, I reckon she's gonna be serial killer one day, she looks like a nutter.
Another day we headed off wet n wild. It was a really nice day so the place was absolutely packed, and it was taking us ages to get on to any of the rides. At one point we queued for 1:15mins, we were the next people to go down the slide and the ride was shut due to thunder. Luckily the thunder cleared the park out a wee bit so we were able to jump onto most of the rides heaps of times before leaving quite late.
Next day was New Years Eve and we didn't really do much today. We headed out about 6pm to some club called the powerhouse hotel. The first thing we say after going was a massive drag queen, thinking this was quite weird we wandered in and had a couple of drinks. The tickets weren't cheap and the food was rubbish, we were starting to get quite annoyed so we wandered inside to see what was happening there, only then did we realize we wandering into a proper homo bar. We pretty much ran out the door and full speed and headed into another bar, but it was 11:50 at this point so the night was half over. To make things worse the bar had the wrong time on their clock so we celebrated the New Year 5mins early. After another couple of drinks we headed back to the house to strike up the BBQ again and munch some sausages.
Again Brid didn't keep a diary for the next couple of days. We basically just wandered around town a couple of days and played with the dogs. One evening when I was messing around on the internet Brid came bolting up the stairs blabbering rubbish, eventually she said there's a massive spider in our room hanging around our bed. I went down for a look and true enough it was pretty big, Vicki and Dave were away at this point so we didn't know what it was, I donned my spider catching uniform (rubber gloves and a Tupperware box) and managed to catch the big bug*er, we threw him into next doors garden anyway and he never turned up again. Vicki's younger brother Liam and his girlfriend Clellia (brids spelling, sorry) made us pizza another night, the night before we left the dogs were eating some bones which one of them hid in the garden. Being a typical dog he tried to guard it from the other dog by not letting him out of the house, so the poor dog crap*ed in the house, and who was the poor bug*er who had to discover it by standing on it with my bare feet, I will never forget the warm feeling, it was disgusting. I still have nightmares!!!
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