After a quick shower and Brid telling the Noosa folk their tents were crap we were on the bus headed to Hervey Bay to do Fraser Island, we were both looking forward to it as so many folk had said it was good, hopefully we get a good group as we'd heard the odd horror story. We had to check in late as the bus didn't arrive till 6 but luckily there were 2 other people in the same situation as us. Luckily the rest of our group had waited and not gone shopping without us so we managed to get food we liked also. Everyone seemed really nice and we got speaking to a heap of other folk in the other vans so we were hoping to have good time. We went to the pub for a couple of drinks but Brid and I were wrecked from the hassle of the morning so we didn't stay long.
Next day and up early to pack our jeeps and get ready, we got another briefing about the island from 2 of the biggest idiots i've ever had the displeasure of meeting. They treated everyone like children and at one point tried to get people to raise their hands to ask a question, they also said annoying stuff about what we would do on the island, not saying what we should do but what we will do " you WILL go to the lake, you WILL be at Indian point at this time" he said " you WILL enjoy yourselves, you WILL like the people in your group, total idiot. Apart from the douche bag twins everything was good and we set off for the island. We had 11 people in our van which wasn't as cramped as it sounded in the first place. We hopped onto the ferry and our first stop was a creek which wasn't anything special, we couldn't figure out why he told us to stop there. Then we drove onto one of the lake to have lunch, after lunch we somehow got a wee bit lost even though there's only one road. Finally we got going in the right direction and met all the other groups along the way at the other lakes and shops. We eventually made it to the beach which you could drive 80kms along if you wanted. We set up camp along the beach with the other 3 vans.
One of the group light a camp fire, which he wasn't supposed to do but it turned out to be good fun anyway, we had brought some marshmallows along to cook in the fire as well. We cooked burgers and sausages that night but because the wind was so strong sand was blowing in the food all the time, even though it was a bit crunchy they still tasted half decent. We scoofed some more booze late into the night before retiring at god knows o'clock.
Next day the tide was higher than we expected so we had to wait a little bit longer before setting off. We had to drive all the way up to Indian Head, the weather wasn't great today and it rained a couple of times, but it was still good fun and all the girls got shot driving the van as well, we didn't spot any sharks or manta rays at Indian head which was disappointing. We drove back down the beach and stopped at the shipwreck where we all got out and took some photos, next we tried to get to the "most beautiful lake in the world" so the 2 douche bags at the office said, everyone had such high expectations of this lake and turned out to be totally average, more proof that the 2 t*** didn't knows what they were on about.
We set up camp again in the same place as the night before, luckily we managed to get the best spot away from all the wind so the girls managed to cook spaghetti bolognaise without sand in it tonight. The same guy light another camp fire so we all sat over there drinking most of the night, we also managed so chase some dingo's around the camp for a while which was good fun. We had some more marshmallows again before getting some sleep before the early exit tomorrow.
Next day and up early to pack tents and get ready to leave, we started the drive up to McKenzie Lake which is supposed to be the nicest lake on the island. We saw a massive snake sitting in the middle of the road half way up which didn't want to move, we threw some sticks at it and eventually it decided to get out of the way, the next option after that was to run him down so I think he made the right move.
We made it to the lake and it was 10x nicer than the other lake, we sunbathed for a wee bit and played in the water for ages before we had to pack up our stuff and head back to the ferry. We swapped E-mails with ton of folk and arranged to go for a couple of drinks in Hervey Bay that night. The 2 idiots back at the hostel were in full swing again, charging 1 of the groups 25dollars for rubbish looking Billy can which was honestly worth 12p at the most. They even said to one of the Swedish guys in our group he was gonna punch them in the face but he quickly backed down when the Swedish guy had a go at him, why they were such morons I'll never know but we were glad to see the back of them.
That night we had the free meal from the hostel and then went out for a couple of drinks with a heap of folk from the other vans and some from ours. Allot of them are heading the same way as us so we will probably see some of them again in the next couple of days.
Next day and we are heading to Airlie Beach tonight on the night bus, we just hung around with some folk, there's not much to do in Hervey Bay apart from go to Fraser Island to be honest.
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