Hola todos y feliz anio 2008-como pasa el tiempo no??!!!
Perdon por ser tan ingrata pero os contare en resumen el resto de asia!!
Bueno Koh Tao es una de las islas mas pequenas y es principalmente para busear y hacer cursos de buseo.Partimos de Ko Phanghan en barco, Julie fue todo el camino vomitando por la borrachera de la noche anterior hahaha!! Yo aprendi mi leccion despues de lo de Cambodia! Los barcos k te llevan de isla a isla son bastante viejos y los llenan a tope, en thailandia claramente no existen leys de seguridad!!!
Apenas llegamos (vivas menosmal!!) yo y ann (la irlandesa k conocimos en cambodia) nos apuntamos a un curso de busear, todo lo preparan super bien, mientras haces el curso tienes habitacion gratis y el curso dura 4 dias asi k no esta mal!Julie hizo el curso hace un par de anios asi k ella le toco habitacion gratis porque compartio con las dos, asi k ella feliz! Nos toco un grupo de 7 y todos super simpaticos, 2 chicos inglese, 1 irlandes un Americano y una polaca. Al principio los instructores no querian k yo ni el chico irlandes hicieramos el curso por k los 2 somos asthmaticos, yo estaba furiosa y lista para irme a otro colegio y mentir, pero nos mandaron al hospital para hacer un 'chequeo' y los medicos dijieron que estabamos en buenas condiciones!!
Despues de 4 dias de theoria, practica, MUCHOS problemas de oidos (habeces se sentia como k se me iba a rebentar la cabeza por la pression!) nos qualificamos!!!
Esta fue mi isla preferida, pero pienso k es por k estabamos con un grupo de gente super divertidos, todos teniamos moto para explorar (bueno yo comparti con un chico Nick por k meda miedo ir sola!!) Nick trato de ensenarme pero eso por supuesto fue un gran fracaso donde terminamos peleados!! Pero me dejo montarme adelante asi k se sentia como k iba condiciendo, me sentia como Sandy en Grease! hahha!!
Una vez k terminamos el curso salimos todas las noches, mucho alcohol, cachondeo, sol y, playa. Tambien fue la isla donde estuvimos mas tiempo asi k ya nos sentiamos en casa, conociamos a la gente y es un gran alivio poder desempacar, tener ropa en el suelo no tener k preocuparse de buses, barcos ect..Cuando nos despedimos fue muy triste por k ya estavamos completamente en casa y muy cerca a Ann y el resto del grupo, yo y Julie estuvimos 4 dias diciendo nos vamos manana y nunca nos ibamos pero finalmente nos despedimos y continuamos con la adventura!!!
Hey dudesHappy new yr/xmas ect...Sorry I've been soooo lazy & crap but the nets bloody expensive in oz that i cant sit & write! Im at my friends house now so time for a catch up!!
Well koh tao (seems like ages ago now!!) but as it was my fave thai island I remember it well!! Its a tiny island & its so picturesque & rustic!
The way over on the death boats was a bit of a nightmare, Jules & Ann were completely hungover or probably still drunk after having slept about 4 hrs so trying to mobilize the 2 pissheads was not easy and of course, we hadn't planned anything either so that morning in in koh phangnan we were arguing over the bills, trying to remember who ate/drank what/when plus it was boiling hot so lets just say tempers were slightly frayed when we got on the death boat!!
Jules & Ann stayed in the bottom part but as i wasn't hungover i went on deck to sunbathe, next time i saw Jules she was head down in a plastic bag throwing up-lovely, she was in good company though, loads of other people were being sick too, luckily I had my ipod as i hate that sound!!
Me & Ann signed up to a dive school where you also get free accommodation whilst your diving so happy days for Jules as she got free digs!
We were lucky & had a really cool bunch of people in our group who we got on well with. At first the instructor, an aussie girl didn't want to let me onto the course cos im asthmatic & i swear I was so ready to just go to another school & not mention it at all, one of the other guys Paddy was in the same boat so they shipped both to 'hospital' to be 'checked' out & luckily it was all fine, we were declared the fittest people in Tao (well thats the story we're saying anyway!!) The check up was pretty pathetic to be fair, Im sure both Paddy & I know more about asthma than the doctor who saw us!
The course involved some theory..snooze................reading....snooze..........exams (!!!!havent done them since uni!!!) snooze.............physics.................double snooze..........but way more fun practicals!!! I was dead excited as Ive always wanted to dive but have never budgeted for it so never had enough cash before! I swear i was so worried about my breathing but it turns out that was the easy bit, for me the problem were my ears.... Oh my god I thought my head was going to explode on my first dive, the pressure was sooo bad, when we came back up I felt dizzy, almost drunk like, disorientated,I just wanted to rip my head off from the pain!! Plus I had crashed into loads of coral so my legs were bleeding... so yeah not as mermaid like as I would have hoped!! At that point I thought that was it for me, no more diving but luckily my instructor Natalie & the rest of my group realy egged me on.
As they say practice really does make perfect & I managed to get the hang of the ear problem & actually really enjoy it! If I'm honest I hate everything about diving eg. The sexy wetsuits, the tanks ( I can barely walk around the boat in all my gear because its too heavy, im practically on all fours trying to get to the dive in point) all the prep, plus I get sea sick on the boat but I absolutely love it once im deep in the water & just swimming along looking at underwater life, so for that its all worth it!!
The fun really started once the course finished & we all qualified as funnily enough boozing & diving do not mix !!We all got mopeds, Jules & Ann shared & I got one with one of the guys on my course, Nick, I hate being tied to resorts so having the bikes was wicked cos we could just take off whenever. Nick attempted to teach me, bless him he obviously didn't know me very well because I cant even ride a bicycle! But he did let me ride at the front which was wicked, I felt like Sandy in Grease & could fool myself into pretending that I was driving!! When its that bloody hot & you're driving fast its wicked!
So yeah after diving was over it was just a load of boozing, sunbathing ,thai boxing which I Ioved, catching up with Jules (she already dives so I felt like I hadn't seen her for ages while I was learning!) shopping ect... The place we stayed at had a beach side bar Eazy, with cushions on the floor & we'd all go back there late at night drink with the thai bar guys, chill out, listen to music right by the sea, I tell you guys that is living the dream!!
For 5 days we were like right we'll leave tomorrow but we always ended up staying, I was sooooooo sad when we did eventually leave because we were separating from Ann (who we had been with since Cambodia) just when I finally understood what she was saying -she's irish!) & we had got close to Nick as well...But that's what happens when you travel! But that didn't stop me from crying when I said goodbye by the pick up truck...Jules still takes the piss out of me!
Tao was my fave island although it might be unfair because we stayed there the longest, had really good bunch of people & it was sooo nice to have clothes all over the place, just get up to sunbathe & not have to worry about catching buses, boats ect..& to top it all off we still had free accommodation because Nick & Ann were still diving so we roomied with them!!!
Gutted to leave : (But off we went to Phuket!
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