Hla flia y amigos!
Bueno Koh Phangnan es isla de fiesta y alcohol y como mis padres se enfadan cuando cuento la verdad y les da verguenza k tienen una hija tan alcohlica y loca asi k voy a escribir esta parte en ingles para k ellos no pasen verguenza todavia no entienden k soy una chica completamenete normal k sabe pasarlo bien!!!
Chaoooo y como siempre gracias por los mensajes tan bonitos xxxx
Alright dudes!
Sorry ive been sooo lazy but im having too much fun!
Well me & Jules had planned all our s.e asia adventure around being back in thai for this full moon party & everyone we had met along the way had pretty much the same idea so we knew it was going to be mental!
The way there was bloody crap, i had to brush my teeth & wash (wetwipe-my new showers) by the side of a motorway, still had hangover from hell. Luckily we were with a canadian guy Bob and 2 gals Sarah & Ann so we all kept each oethr company, poor Bob was soo happy & cheery along the way whilst we had faces like slapped arses!!
We all got lost in Bangkok, I had all of Bobs luggage so I had to find him & after fraffing around for like 2 hrs we realised that we were all at different bus terminals-damn thai transport system!! We all relaxed & cooled off over a KFC & got on the sleeper bus to the coast to get the boat.
The island itself is nie but not amazing plus its only have built so its like dirt tarcks & you need 4 x 4's to get around.
The day of full moon everyone was w***ered at around 3pm. We got ready & made our way at around 9. At first we were all being responsible & making plans in case we got lost like arranging a meeting point ect... That lasted about 2 hrs, we all lost each other & partied by ourselves!! It was cool though because absolutely everyone lost their friends so it was like one big party, no little groups of people!Plu si bumped into soo many people that i had met along the way in vietnam or laos/cambodia!
I was taking it quite easy after my cambodia throwing up experience so was in control of myself the whole night which was good as i was up dancing on a stage the whole night! Everyone had glow sticks, flourescent tattoos for the night it was really cool! Jas you would f***ing love it!!
Most people are off their face on drugs so they were on a different level to me but I dont do that crap & luckil;y could party quite well without it but the people who were on it were like on a diffrent planet! Ive since heard of people getting robbed whilst being passed out & stuff so its not a good idea really!
Its all quite well organised though, theres a guarded sleeping area for the lightweights & thais are constantly pulling people out of the sea plus theres a lot of first aid & clinics around for the casualties!
I made it till about 6.30am, got home on the back of some random thai's bike & Julie the lil scallywas was already there bit not alone!! Thankfully i was sharing a room with another gal. I had to climb through my window cos i lost my key & my room mate was still out, completely scratched up my legs, got in the shower to get rid of tattoos & sand plus i was filthy ( i pulled a live cockroach out of my hair during the party!!!!) & collapsed in bed. I kinda heard Ann climbing through the window a few hrs later battered & bruised but i was pretty much dead to the world-like everyone else on the island!
I swear the list of injuries was endless the nxt day, im talking broken noses/arms/legs (a guy fell off a balcony!) toes/fingers. So many people had big deep cuts on their arms & legs, i swear the clinic was sooo busy, it was like apocalypse now!
Sarah got back 2 days later! She hooked with athai guy, went to the after party, got drunk all over again, which was good as she was sharing with Julie so her room was kinda occupied! We were worried though!
Anyway we 've moved onto Koh Tao where we've been for the last week, ive learnt to scuba dive & we've met some wicked people, imloving it here much more than Ko Phangnan but I'll tell you about that another day!
We've got wicked pics and as soon as i find a decent pc we'll put them up!!
Hope you're all well & thanks for your lovely messages guys miss you all soooo much!!
Caz xxx
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