El tour de las islas sigue y llegamos a Koh Phi Phi!
Esta isla es diminutiva y fue casi totalmente desotrazada en el tsunami del 2004. 500 personal murieron k en un sitio tan pequeno es una gran cantidad. Todavia hay sitios en la isla k estan destrozadas. Hay un sitio donde los extranjeros han convertido en un memorial y hay muchas fotos y cartas de familias k perdieron gente aqui, es super triste especialmente por k la mayoria de los jovenes eran como yo, gente joven k estaba viejando. Te das cuenta lo fragil k es la vida y la suerte k tenemos, yo soy muy afortunada y lo mas k conozco mas me doi cuenta....
Aqui tambien es donde se filmo la pelicula de Leonardo Di Caprio no se como se llama en espaniol pero en ingles es 'The Beach' pero si es un paraiso desafortunadamente mucha gente lo save asi k el sitio esta lleno pero con gente muy diferente a los de Phuket, Phi Phi esta lleno de mochileros k son mas concientes de la cultura y de k somos visitas en tierra extranjera y k tenemos el deber de respetar al pais! y su gente!
En el camino nos encontramos con 4 chicas inglesas k conocimos y conkien lo pasamos super bien en Vietnam asi k hicimos planes imediatos para salir en la noche!
La busca de cama fue bastante dificil. Yo y Julie nunca hemos planeado antes de llegar por k decidimos ser mas bravas. Estuvimos 2 horas caminando buscando cama, menosmal k las chicas de Vietnam se llevaron nuestras mochilas a su hotel por k andar por 2 horas en 30 grados con 15 kilos en la espalda no es divertido!!! La accomodacion en Phi Phi es super cara comparada con el resto de los sitios, es verdad k sigue siendo nada para nosotras pero pagar 10 libras cada una por una habitacion es una locura cuando estabamos pagando nunca mas de una libra 50 cadauna en el resto del pais.
Finalmente encontramos, una casucha de bamboo con un candado y dos colchones en le suelo por 6 libras cada una-igual super caro pero mejor k la calle!
Phi Phi fue una locura, es una isla de fiesta y se nota por k no hay sitios donde uno puede sentarse a tomar una copa asi en plan bien, todo son cubos de alcohol en la playa, musica fuerte, mucho bailar y ademas fue extrano por k en Phi Phi nos encontramos con un monton de gente k conocimos en Vietnam y Cambodia asi k fue como una reunion pero esta vez estabamos todos mas soleados y en plan fiesta porque lo dificil ya se habia acabado!!
Julie paso los dias cuidando su borrachera yo me encontre con Helen, una chica k conoci en Octuvre k me encanto. Hice lo turistio con ella, fui a la playa donde hicieron la pelicula es un parce nacional asi k no puedes ir sola., La playa es un paraiso de arena de talco y aguas turquesas pero nos toco lluvia : ( Y k el cielo este gris le quita bastante brillo!
Por las noches saliamos a bailar, conocer gente y en general nos potamos mal hahaha!! Se puede decir que lo pasamos bastante bien!!! Me demasdre demasiado asi k me prohibi alcohol por 48 horas!! Julie hizo lo mismo pero ella no duro hahaha!!! Esa era nuestra ultima noche y todos estaban borrachos, mas encima a las 12 de la noche el bar da 2 cubos (no bromeo cuando digo cubos, son cubos de playa!!!) por el precio de uno!! Pero yo igual lo pase super bien, el proximo dia nadie creia k no habia roto mi 'no alcohol' regla por k igual soy bastante loca con o sin alcohol!!
Phi Phi fue otra de mis favoritas pero es obvio por k, fue un gran cachondeo, estabamos con gente k lla conociamos y la vida de noche esta muy muy bien y mejor de todo todas las fiestas son en la playa, es imposible pasarlo mal!!! Pero tambien es la isla mas cara, solo estuvimos 3 dias y creo k gaste 100 libras k es ridculo para thai pero bueno lo importante es k lo pase super!!!
Y no, no encontre a Leonardo!! : (
Right onto the lusciousness that is Phi Phi!!
Phi Phi is a tiny island not far from Phuket, it was practically wiped out in the 2004 tsunami & around 500 lives were lost which is a massive figure when you consider the size of the place. There have been so many times around the thai islands that Ive looked out to the sea & thought f*** what would I do?? There's a memorial there which I never got to see due to hangovers, lack of time ect... I know that's absolutely terrible but Ive seen people's pictures & it looks so sad, its filled with pictures of those that died & letters from loved ones back home letting them know how missed they are & what's happened since that awful day. What makes it worse is that a lot of the foreigners that died were people like us, young travellers having a laugh looking for a place to spend xmas & new yr, it just makes you realise how fragile life is & how lucky me & Jules have been during our travels as we have had no bad experiences to write home about (well yet!)
Anyway enough depression, its also the place where they filmed 'The Beach' & it really is like paradise unfortunately everyone knows this so its rammed with backpackers but not like Phuket. Phuket is filled with shock horror...packaged holiday makers (god im such a snob, ive been one of those too but I think you catch my drift) Phi Phi is full of independent backpackers in search of party, party, party!!!
On the boat over we bumped into these cool birds we met in Vietnam so we dumped our backpacks at theirs & ,made plans for a piss up that night. It was a nightmare trying to find accommodation. We got the 4 o clock boat so by the time we got there everything reasonably priced was filled up. Phi Phi is also bloody expensive...well no probably not but it is compared to the rest of Thailand & what we had been used to paying. We eventually found a bamboo shack with a padlock & 2 mattresses on the floor with the showers & toilets about half an hr walk away but it was the cheapest at about 6 pound each a night, when you compare that we've paid about 1 pound 20 each a night everywhere else (even during full moon party) its bloody expensive!!!
Phi Phi was one long piss up!! We also caught up with Matt & Mark both present during my drunken humiliation in Cambodia but who we also initially met in Vietnam so it was like a little Vietnam reunion only we were all a lot browner this time around!!! I also bumped into Helen who met way back in October & that was lovely because we got o soooo well with her.
I went to the beach were they made the movie with Helen whilst Jules nursed the mother of all hangovers, we went snorkelling which now that I dive I find sooo much harder! Its a national park so you cant go alone & its sooo lush & picturesque! Its talcon powder sand & clear blue sea!! As per usual though the bad weather follows me & it was grey & raining which takes a lot away from how it would look with sun! Still it was lush though!
Phi Phi was sooo mad that me & Jules imposed a 48 hr alcohol ban on ourselves which was stupid because it was on our last night!!! Im proud to say that i managed it, even when it was 2 for 1 buckets (theres no glasses in Thailand, its buckets of booze & im not exagerarting!!) Jules on the other and lasted about 2 hrs before I saw her dancing away with bucket in tow!! I still had a wicked time though & danced the night away on the beach!!!
I would have loved to stay in phi phi longer but its so mad & full on, theres nowhere to chill out everything is aimed at getting wrecked & its sooo expensive, I managed to spend about 100 pound in 3 days which is crazy here & i know others spent ridiculous amounts of money too!!! Plus I was running out of time, my flight to Australia was from Singapore so I had to get down there still!
I really wanted to do some diving with Julie & she raves about Lanta so I wanted to check it out, plus thats where she was going to meet the rest of her family so yeah I didn't want to miss Lanta out! So it was bye bye Phi Phi & all the lovely people in it & hello death boat to Lanta!!
Ps. No we did not manage to find or snog Leonardo!! Damn!
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