Bueno la verdad esque no puedo decir nada de Malaysia por k no me dio tiempo a parar. Solo k es super barato, con muy poco dinero Thailandes cene y tome un te del pais k es delicioso!!!
Estuve todo el camino con un australiano muy divertido. Tuve suerte por k el trajecto duro 30 horas con 2 fronteras k cruzar k siempre fueron una pesadilla pero con este chico hiba sin miedo y muerta de la risa todo el camino. El habia estado 2 anios en Londres y hiba a regresar a casa asi k teniamos bastante de k hablar! Como typico australiano me trato de enrollar-en el bus! Pero no nada de eso!!!
Well I can't say much about Malaysia because I was in transit other than its really cheap, I managed to have rice & Malaysian tea (which is lush by the way) with about 1 pounds worth of thai money but then again we did stop in a completely non touristy local place so maybe the cities & tourist hotspots are more expensive.
I did the whole journey with a really funny aussie guy from Adelaide which was cool because previous experience has taught me that border crossings are an absolute nightmare & I had no Jules this time!! Plus it was a 30 hr journey!! The funniest was when he asked me if I fancied a 'root' at about 3 am. We were at the back of the bus & had that bit to ourselves. Anyway I thought he was offering me food or drugs but no it turns out that a 'root' is aussie slang for intercourse!!
Anyway like an arse I was like oh whats a root? He pissed himself & was very proud that he had taught me something that according to him I was going to hear a lot of in Oz, he was dead funny though & tried to convince me by saying how cool it would be to join the high bus club or something like that, anyway as tempted as I was I declined haha!!!
As you can see I don't really have a lot to say about Malaysian culture or cuisine or anything remotely interesting, to busy chatting! sorry dudes!
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