En Koh Lanta suffri de los desmadres de las semanas anteriores. Llegue con un gran resfriado y muy poco timepo para recuperarme.
Julie ya habia estado en Lanta y dice k busear aki es incredible asi k lo tenia k hacer pero una de las reglas principales de busear es no busear si estas resfriada, pero no hiba a tener tiempo para recuperarme y busear, asi k tuve k elejir y eliji ....busear!!!
La visibilidad era incredible, se veia por 25 metros claramente y el coral esta muy bien protegido, vimos una tortuga gigantesca!! Estaba lloviendo k la verdad no te afecta cuando estas bajo del mar pero hace un frio k te cagas cuando estas mojada en el barco y te pega el viento!!! Despues de esa faena llegue a tierra lla casi enferma, super resfriada y con fievre!
La ducha y el banio de nuestra habitacion (casucha de bamboo otra vez!) era afuera sin techo k es fabuloso cuando hace calor y esta soleado pero no tan fabuloso cuando llueve, hace viento y estas resfriada pero, bueno me tuve que duchar asi y no ayudo!
Fue una lastima por k pase mis ultimos dias con Julie con muy poco animo y sin una gran despedida. En mi ultima noche nos encontramos con una chica k conocimos en Phi Phi, Laura las 3 nos subimos en la moto de Julie y salimos a cenar. Mi bus hacia Malaysia era a las 6 de la manana asi k no ubo opportunidad para cachondeo, bueno y mas encima no estaba muy bien.
Lanta fue todo demasiado rapido y llovio los 3 dias k estuve ahi asi k no puedo opinar mucho. Esta bastante aislada y no hay mucha gente ni turistas asi k esta super bien, la playa tambien es fabulosa, el agua como una taza de te, super calmada.
Hice mis compras shampoo, gel de banio, approvechar de los precios de aki, por k mucha gente ya me habia dicho k Australia esta carisimo!!! Pero bueno ese jueves nos levantamos temprano a cojer mi bus hacia malaysia y a despedirme de mi Julie : (
Estabamos las dos muy tristes porque la verdad esque nos llevamos super bien y viejar opor Asia no es facil, pero nunca peleamos y nos reimos un monton!!!! Pero bueno el plan siempre fue k ella se quedaria en Thailandia y yo siguiria hacia Australia.
Asique aqui empezo mi adventura sola!!! Arg!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo guys!
Jules had been raving about Lanta even before we bought our tickets so I was quite looking forward to it, plus she had said that the diving was amazng which I really wanted to do cos as much fun as Tao was the quality of diving was crap, visibility was awful I could barely see my hand in front of my face let alone anything else!
Unfortunately my boozing & late nights really caught up with me & I got a horrible head cold there. We ony had 3 days together before I had to get my butt down to Singapore & I really wanted to dive so I had to just do it with a cold which they always tell you not to do but I didn't really have a choice!
The diving was really good, visibility was way better than Tao & the reefs were amazing, we even saw a turtle, it was massive!!! Julie's got an underwater camera so we've got really lovely pictures underwater!!
It rained practically the whole time I was on Lanta, the day we were diving was chucking it down so I was freezing on the boat after the dive which just made me worse. Our lovely bamboo hut had toilet & shower but it didn't have a roof, so it was attached to our room but with no ceiling which is lovely when its boiling and you shower at night & look up & see the stars (amazing!!) but not so good when its windy & rainy & you have a cold!
I just kinda regrouped on Lanta, sorted out my backpack, stocked up on toiletries-made the most of Thai prices as I had already been warned that Oz had gotten sooooooooo expensive! And basically shat myself everyday at the prospect of travelling by myself. Those that have holidayed with me know that Im completely relaxed & let everyone take the reigns, so Jules had essentially been the brains behind our trip, I just kind of followed along & said my places of interest but she essentially got me there in one piece, so the thought of going at it alone absolutely horrified me!!
It was such a shame because it was mine & Jules' last few days together & I was a snot factory, which she lovingly named me!! So we had no bye bye piss up instead we were very refined & went out for dinner on my last night with Laura, one of the gals from Phi Phi. Plus obviously I had a 6am bus so as we've learnt from our travels I cannot function with a hangover so it wasn't a good idea to get smashed!
Jules & Laura got up early with me & waved me off as my bus pulled away : (
I didn't realise then how much I would miss her!!
So off I left my beloved Thailand, Julie & island lifestyle that I had massively grown to love!!!
Sniff sniff xxxx
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