Nationals Game
Trying something new was the theme for this event as none of us had ever been to a major league baseball game before, never have seen a professional game outside of California, and none of us were Giants fans! None-the-less, we dressed the parts and had a good time despite the rain! We believe it was possibly Mitt Romney that won the "President's Race" (bobble headed figures that run around the field and cross the finish line or don't as the majority would have it!) Katherine loved texting her girlfriend back home whom is in love with Buster Posey while Rebecca opted to play Candy Crush in between glances at the game! Emma and Sarah had lots of fun from getting food with Dad to getting baseball questions answered by Mom! We left to fun little ditty played by a couple of guys using several plastic 5 gallon buckets as drums. Pleasant way to continue our evening! - Carrie
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