I woke up with a really sore throat. It felt like my tonsils were swollen. I took some paracetamol for the pain and got ready. We wanted to move to a private room. We were still in the dorm, Masa had been sick all night and it was getting pretty cramped. We originally had booked to get the ferry to Krabi today but because of Masa's sickness we rearranged it for the following day. We packed our stuff up and headed to the triple room around the corner. It was lush and only an extra £2 a night each... Why did we not do this before! Masa was being really sick with what we thought might be food poisoning again so she stayed in the hostel while Sarah and I went for a mini shopping spree around the street markets as they had some pretty nice stuff on offer. We got about an hour in before I started to feel really unwell. We went for some food in the cutest little restaurant called 'Unni's'. It was raining hard outside and I started to feel really cold in the restaurant which is not like me. I couldn't get warm. My food came and I just couldn't bare the thought of eating it, which really is not like me! We headed back to the hostel and saw a medical clinic on the way. I stopped off and asked about getting antibiotics as out here you can buy them without a prescription. They told me at this clinic I needed to see a doctor first and I had to pay. I was starting to feel really feverish and very unwell so I thought I would just do it. They took me to a hospital bed and laid me down. The doctor came to see me and told me that I had acute tonsillitis. I was finding it hard to respond so Sarah discussed everything with the doctor while I laid myself down to rest. I vaguely remember what happened after that. I've been told since that my temperature got very high and I started talking to myself and not making any sense. Nobody could have a conversation with me as I was completely out of it. They were trying to control my temperature but it kept spiking. It took 8 hours for my IV antibiotics and fluids to finish and I started to come back around. I was very sleepy but couldn't get comfortable. I remember feeling a bit confused and shocked at what had happened when I was told, it was only could it have got so bad so quick?! Thank god I stopped off at the clinic or this would have happened at the hostel. Sarah had sorted all my insurance details out and liaised with my parents so I was really grateful to her. After a few hours when I started to come back around, Sarah left for a bit to get some food, have a shower and see a bit of the fire show as it was her night too, I didn't want it completely ruined. The nurse came in and told me to eat something as I needed the energy. The only thing on offer was this disgusting chicken broth soup. I very slowly slurped that and then phoned Sarah to ask her if she would mind taking me back to the hostel as all I wanted to do was sleep. She arrived with Lindsey and Byron. We were supposed to meet up with Byron as he's a friend from Bournemouth Uni and happened to be on Koh Phi Phi at the same time...small world! It was nice to see him for all of 10 minutes as he walked me back. Masa was in the room when we got back, so the pair of us stayed in while the rest went out to party. This room was now closer to one of the bars blaring out pumping music until 2 am. It was so loud the walls were physically shaking so my ear plugs came in very handy! We had to laugh it off because if we hadn't laughed we would have cried. Eventually I drifted off.
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