As we hadn't slept brilliantly last night there was no rushing to be up and out this morning. We had breakfast at our place again and did some planning. We have decided which package to take to get to Laos, it'll take three days and two nights to get to Luang Prabang and we've booked the first few nights accommodation there too. This afternoon we went out on the hunt for a phone for James, his phone is now definitely on it's way out, it hardly charges and when it does it runs down so fast. We found one that should do the trick and it has dual SIM card so he can have his Thai sim and UK sim in at the same time. Plus we thought if James wants a different one when we get back we would maybe be able to sell it if we look after it. Once we'd sorted that we went to the night market again, earlier in the day I had sent a photograph of my new handbag to Amy and Verity making them jealous so going to find them one each. We then had something to eat at a place in the market, trying sticky rice for the first time. It's very strange stuff, I definitely prefer the non sticky version. Before we'd left the hotel tonight they had a poster advertising Muay Thai boxing and the price was much better than we've seen anywhere else so we decided to get tickets. Plus it was really close to the night market, so after we'd eaten we walked to the boxing place. We got our seats and drinks and it started not long after that. There were seven fights in total, starting with the first being boys in their early teens. There was a ladies fight which didn't last very long and one on the programme called 'special fights' which was five fighters getting into the ring then being blindfolded by the ref, then after the bell rings, fighting. It was really funny, it was obvious they were acting up to it and the ref getting involved but all in good humour. The very last fight was the two oldest/more experienced fighters which ended with one of them unconscious for a few seconds! We'd really enjoyed the night, we walked back to our hotel which was a little way but cheaper than a tuk tuk and had to ring the bell again to be let in.
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