Hola todos!
I hope you're all doing well! Can you believe it's already June? That's crazzy! I only have 3 more weeks and it will be time for all the fun and festivities that July will bring! Yaaaay! I'm getting soo pumped for the wedding!
So I made it back from Lagos safe and sound and with a nice tan if I do say so myself! I really think I'm the darkest I've ever been! Last Friday I had my final and it went really well. My teacher took us out for coffee after. She is so sweet! She wants us to all come over sometime this week for a barbecue :o)
Later we all boarded the bus for the trip to Lagos! It was about a 3 hour drive, but we gained an hour because of the time difference. Portugal is only 5 hours ahead of you all, rather than 6. We all went straight to the beach! Our hotel was right on the water. It was so beautiful! We spent a lot of the early evening there soaking up as much sun as we could. Then a few of us went for pizza and came back and showered to go out. We all booked this trip through a company called Discover Sevilla, which is a travel agency that was started by a guy from Florida who I actually talked to quite a bit. They provided with us transportation, hotel, and breakfasts, as well as a lot of great deals for drinks and lunch for Saturday as well. For Friday we all went to this place called Joe's Garage, where we each received 5 drink tickets. Joe's Garage was a lot of fun! The atmosphere was a little wild with them lighting the bar on fire and such ;o) but still very fun! We spent most of the evening there, and then a few of us went on to a discoteca where we danced until the wee-hours! Saturday we were up at 9:00 for breakfast though! Which was amaazzing! And we spent a lot of time on our beach, and then there was a bus that took us to another beach. It was called Meia Praia it was beautiful as well! And there was a nice little beachside restaurant where we got special deals with the braceletts that we were given to wear on our wrists. I had a huuuuge burger and I think it made the trip :o) It was incredible! Saturday evening they took us to Cabo San Vincente to watch the sunset, which was incredible! We went back into town afterward and they took us to this grrrreat restaurant/bar called Nah Nah Bah! Amaazing food :o) And Hilary, Steph, and I turned in after that...we were pretty tired from the previous nights' festitivities! And, Sunday we spent the whole day at our beach by our hotel! Overall, a wonderful weekend!
I started my second session class today! It's called Spanish Culture and Society. It is taught in English by a woman named Bethany Aram. She was born in Cleveland, but has lived all over and has now lived in Sevilla for 10 years with her husband. Our class is going to be doing a lot of traveling and out of class exucursions. Today we went to City Hall. It was interesting. We will have two exams just like my last class, and there is a little reading, not much, but we do have to keep a journal that we will turn in at the end of the course and that we will use to make reflections of the places we visit. It seems like I'm going to like it, but I have to say that I still love my other teacher more ;o) I like structure and this lady seems to think that's ridiculous, nothing is off topic for her, but I think that makes difficult to take notes! Oh well, I'll have to adjust!
Our group is going to Granada this coming weekend! Yay! I've heard it's beautiful so I'm excited!
I think that's all for now! Hope you like my pictures! :o)
Love & miss you all lots! Xoxoxoxo!
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