¡Hola todos! I´m back in Sevilla! This weekend we visited the province of Extremadura. We visited a lot of Roman ruins in Madera and Trujillo and the huge Roman museum, and then today we visisted Cacéres, which is the capital of the Extremadura province. The ruins were amazing! I will post pictures tomorrow after class, promise ;o)! Our hotel in Trujillo was pretty high class! We felt like royalty! And, of course we went out last night for our one night in Trujillo and I´d like for you to all know that I am now, an experienced "wedding crasher"! Haha, not really....but we felt like we were crashing! We went to a bar close by our hotel and all of sudden all of these very smartly-dressed people started filing in, and THEN they carried in the bride (who could hardly walk)!! So since we were there, we were a part of the party! We met a girl from Wisconsin that is teaching English in Trujillo and she works with the bride who teaches art! We asked her if she thought we should leave, and she was like "Oh no! These people think, the more the merrier!" Haha, so of course we stayed and had a blast! And I ended up talking with the bride´s father for like ever about the weather, because it has been raining an unusual amount in Spain this Spring!
So we had a great weekend of good food and neat things to see! Now we´re back in Sevilla and we have class tomorrow :o(! I have my midterm on Wednesday! Eeek! And I am going to try and start working on my paper sometime soon this week! And, this coming weekend I am going to Cádiz to the beach! Our guide Jorge invited a bunch of us to go stay at his beach house for the weekend, so of course we have all jumped on that opportunity because that means we don´t have to pay for a hotel! So we are leaving Thursday after class because we don´t have class on Friday :o) yay! And then it will be time for my last week of the first session! Whew!
I hope you are all doing well! Miss you mucho! xoxoxo! ¡Adio!
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