This morning we woke up an decide to just head out - a little reorganise I the boot and packing up slowly as it was the first time we managed to get away by 10 - we had read we where camped in a nice place but arriving in darkness you couldn't really tell, the only hint was the soft sound of waves. By the time we woke up it was light and right in front of us was a small private beach and the waves lapping against it - not a bad view for our fist morning! Our first stop was Russle and on the way we had managed to take another wrong turn that took us a little longer but also over our first gravel road, this gave us some amazing views and makes you feel fairly far away from civilisation - finally arriving in Russle we drove around the area taking in even more amazing coastal scenery we finally stopped and grabbed a nice pie and a drink from the local shop! Our next stop was to O... Where we got the ferry and headed to Pihia? We got our shopping for the next couple of days and although this was meant to be our final stop we decided we had a bit more driving time so headed over to the west coast to another campsite there. More great views and some laughs we arrived to a closed campsite, we decided then, as Judy didn't mind driving a bit more to head further north to save us some time tomorrow. Once again we arrived in darkness, set up the car and had a few beers while watching the rest of Life of Pi. As the car was quite hot and we all needed the toilet we decided to all jump out and get some cold air - and what a great decision it was. Due to now being far from any major population or even much population full stop, the light pollution is very low which means the stars can come out and boy did they come out! A completely clear night mixed with no light meant we had the entire sky shinning back at us with the haze of galaxy's (we think) and a million stars to have upon. We laid out the blanket grabbed another beer and just stared up at the sky! This will be a night that goes down as one of the great memories from this trip.
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