G'Day Have a 'bonzer' time in Oz...take it easy love Mum cx
Enjoy the next few days, have fun and keep writing !! Miss and love you lots xxx
Tim And Vicki
Ben , yu are a very good note taker. Makes really god reading and we can't wait t here the complete version when you are hme. Love dad and vicki xx
Vicki Beer
Where are you? What up to? Not heard anything fair at least a week. Don,t know if it's our slow mail or what? Hope yur still having fun. Xx dad and vicki
Right you two! Get blogging and taking photos as I have always wanted to visit Vietnam. Can't wait to see the photos so take loads and I can't resist shouting "GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM" have fun x x
Koh Rong looks amazing, proper jealous! Get writing as missing your blogs x have fun x
Hi Ben and Hana, I'm still of work with a bad back so loving looking at your blog, I just wish it was me doing all the exciting things that you are doing. Keep posting pictures and I can keep dreaming that it's me. Big love xx
Hello just to say really enjoying your blog and have a good journey tomorrow ...more numb bums !!! cx
Well Dione hanna. We are having techno meltdown here as we have a new bt hub that will not alow me too get my e mails. Am trying t sort put today. Love vicki xx
Tony And Mum
Congratulations Hana on passing your exams, we knew you could it! X x all the hard work has paid off, well done x
O you are so lucky, I'm so jealous especially when I'm walking Tilley at 6 in the morning in the wind and rain!! Love reading your blogs and the great photos, look forward to your updates x x x
Great photos and love reading your blog ... so get writing !!! When is the next camping trip !! Lots of love xx