Bus day - yay....
We have to get to the bus station for around 4pm to get our ticket and the bus leaves at 6pm - hopefully it will take around 15 hours and get us in at 9am tomorrow. So for today we grabbed some breakfast then chilled out around our nice room until check out. Once checked out we went and found somewhere to get my cut, thankfully found somewhere as I was looking a bit like a mushroom head! Hair done, we went back as sat and played some cards and grabbed some lunch with Pat and Jen! This quickly ate away the hours and we were soon on a tiny tuk tuk on the way to the bus station. The driver was hilarious and kept grabbing Pats leg and saying about all the places we passed. Once there we were pointed to our bus - A local bus with 2 bikes and a lot of people but this was at 4pm so we asked if there was any others and lucky for us someone in the cue spoke quite good English and helped us - he told us that there are buses every half hour and that there was a nicer bus coming at 6 - we all decided to wait so wanted to find a place to grab a drink and across the bus station we saw what looked like cafe type thing. The first one there wasn't anybody there but after looking around Hana found, what we are guessing was, little pickled Alligators.... So not too successful - onto the next.
This time there were some dodgy table and chairs in a room that was covered in spray paint and one lady sorting bits out, so we asked for some drinks and sat down. We decided to play a game of euchre (which we are now loving) after a few minutes we had an audience of about ten Vietnamese guys and girls all watching us play. This was made funny by how little they cared for personal space - one glance up at Jen and Hana was in stitches, shorty followed by rest of us! We thought it couldn't get worst when a small lad who was covered in poo wandered around pointing at Pat and leaning on his bag! Needless to say we decided one drink was enough and made our way back to the bus station! Luckly we had got back just as a VIP bus pulled up - grabbing ourselves some of the only pairs of seats left we settled in for the 15 hour drive! With the Laotian pop music blaring, sleep won't be easy so will definitely be playing some cards, watching some films and reading a bit of my book! The blog about the rest of our journey will begin In 4000 islands so check out that blog!
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