We worked on the blog. Then we went grocery shopping. Then we worked on the blog some more.
What a vacation.
Ok. I get the picture. zzzzzz This bloging is a lot of work. Nevertheless, just think of it. You will have a travel log to view months from now when the trip is all a fading memory. By the way, I have saved several pictures and this is one of them.I spent all day Saturday at the Senior Center working for the Memorial Day Yard Sale. We unloaded tons of stuff and took the rest (three pickups full) to the dump. Actually, most of it should have gone to the dump in the first place, but some folks will buy almost anything, and so did I. I bought an almost new 8mm projector for $15. The working bulb was worth that much. Have 5 cans of movies we havn't looked at for years. Renee will make popcorn. I was wrapping things up at the Senior Center at 5pm when a pickup truck backed up and started unloading crap, stuff I wouldn't want to handle without thick gloves and a facemask. I told the driver that the Yard Sale had ended and I was locking the doors. He said, "Well, what do you expect me to do with this stuff?" I said that the dump was 2 miles down the road. He was insulted. I was pissed. Thankfully that is one fellow who will never again grace our doors. By the way, after 8 years of being Treasurer on the Senior Center board, my latest term ends this month. Because of local politics, we will end serving meals at the Center this month. A sad end to 42 years of service to the community. This is another story.
Rich Ok. I get the picture. zzzzzz This bloging is a lot of work. Nevertheless, just think of it. You will have a travel log to view months from now when the trip is all a fading memory. By the way, I have saved several pictures and this is one of them.I spent all day Saturday at the Senior Center working for the Memorial Day Yard Sale. We unloaded tons of stuff and took the rest (three pickups full) to the dump. Actually, most of it should have gone to the dump in the first place, but some folks will buy almost anything, and so did I. I bought an almost new 8mm projector for $15. The working bulb was worth that much. Have 5 cans of movies we havn't looked at for years. Renee will make popcorn. I was wrapping things up at the Senior Center at 5pm when a pickup truck backed up and started unloading crap, stuff I wouldn't want to handle without thick gloves and a facemask. I told the driver that the Yard Sale had ended and I was locking the doors. He said, "Well, what do you expect me to do with this stuff?" I said that the dump was 2 miles down the road. He was insulted. I was pissed. Thankfully that is one fellow who will never again grace our doors. By the way, after 8 years of being Treasurer on the Senior Center board, my latest term ends this month. Because of local politics, we will end serving meals at the Center this month. A sad end to 42 years of service to the community. This is another story.