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Brenda Cash Less to say? At least there were interesting man-made sights to see. Thanks for the pictures of those. If when you left Checotah you'd headed a bit North and West, you could have visited Meade County in SW Kansas, and in particular, Plains, Kansas, where my father was born in 1911, and his father, Mitchell Lee Cash, built a hotel from bricks he manufactured there.. There are pictures on line of the hotel and my grandfather.
Leigh Ann The snake! Yes, you definitely got cobra'd. Great job, Jared and Shannon! Glad you're finally home, hope you are both healthy soon. Loved reading this blog, as always. Looking forward to the next one. :-)
re: And……we’re homeKim da bari Loved travelling with you (you only started sending it to me the last three days,but I wore out the "previous entry" button and went through all the days before then... backward!) Bill - your tongue-in-cheek humorous reports are addictive! Am glad you are home - do nothing for at least a month! However - two requests: (1) include me from day 1 on the next trip, and(2) have ALL the levelers checked/replaced the month before you leave on the next big trip???
re: And……we’re homeRich Welcome home. Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home...absolutely no place. Yes, we were caretakers of that snake for a few years until everyone, including Renee and I, forgot that we had it. Cleaning out the garage one day it poped out of a box and I began planning who would get it next. Then some evil person used a hammer to destroy it, but it has since been reincarnated. You would be surprised to know that the snake has some intrinsic value, probably to a Hindu person. Watching the Discovery Channel Pawn Guys show, a guy came in with a duplicate snake for sale (there's more than one of them?). He wanted $1,200 for it, but the shop owner offered him only $100. His wife insisted he take the deal. Now, who in their right mind would pay over $100 to purchase this atrocity from the Pawn shop? Did you guys pass thru Las Vegas on some previous trip?
re: And……we’re homeBrenda Cash Oh! Yeaaa; tried again and it opened! What fun! Shannon and Jared sure are treasures-- 'cause you bring out the best in them 'cause you are such treasures! Am glad you are going to the doctor Monday; have been worried about you, and wondering if there is something in the RV's air supply that should not be? Please consider yourselves hugged again. Brenda
re: And……we’re homeKim Barbara - hope you both are soon feeling better. Take it easy for a while! And keep that guy in line (don't tell him, but I like the new haircut!) love,Kim
re: And……we’re homemarge Shannon and Jared should be very proud of themselves. Thanks for all the laughter. So glad you're home. Feel good fast.
re: And……we’re homeShannon Jeez, dad, you didn't even mention that I made you dinner!!! So we weren't totally evil....
re: And……we’re homeToni rockewell Well you guys, this was really funny. I loved what happened when you got home. Your kids are so cute and inventive and creative. Maybe you should just try to stop in Tahoe city on your next adventure. We'd love to have you. Hope you are feeling better
re: And……we’re homeEarle Glad you're home safe and (somewhat) sound. Prayers for a quick & speedy recovery. Lunacy is not curable, so you're stuck with that. Loved following your antics along your trip. Nice surprise to come home too. also. You're both quite fortunate. Take care of each other. Much love to you both!! ????
re: And……we’re homeLeigh Ann That's an impressive catsup splurt. Plate, arm, thumb, finger, even food (a little). But nothing on the table. I give it a 10. I still make eggs McCain and think of you. :-) I don't chew asprin, however. Yuck.
re: Another change of plansTrish Have a safe final day on the road tomorrow and ENJOY a good night's sleep in your own bed Friday night! I have loved following your blogs and photos and look forward to seeing you after you're rested up! Happy Trails!
re: Almost Overmarge That's quite a time change. Welcome home, hope you're feeling better today.
re: Another change of plansShannon Aren't you supposed to paint or draw on the cars? Did you write your name... draw a picture... graffiti... something?
re: Here we areBrenda Cash Less to say? At least there were interesting man-made sights to see. Thanks for the pictures of those. If when you left Checotah you'd headed a bit North and West, you could have visited Meade County in SW Kansas, and in particular, Plains, Kansas, where my father was born in 1911, and his father, Mitchell Lee Cash, built a hotel from bricks he manufactured there.. There are pictures on line of the hotel and my grandfather.
re: Here we are- last visited

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Toni rockewell Well you guys, this was really funny. I loved what happened when you got home. Your kids are so cute and inventive and creative. Maybe you should just try to stop in Tahoe city on your next adventure. We'd love to have you. Hope you are feeling better
Shannon Jeez, dad, you didn't even mention that I made you dinner!!! So we weren't totally evil....
Leigh Ann The snake! Yes, you definitely got cobra'd. Great job, Jared and Shannon! Glad you're finally home, hope you are both healthy soon. Loved reading this blog, as always. Looking forward to the next one. :-)