Well it's taking me a while to get use to sleeping, woke again early but managed to get back off... Brads birthday today, he's 11. He got some great presents and lots of $. Steve cooked some breakfast and Lisa went to work. The boys are day off school today so we headed over to Sci-Tech world. I think me and Steve were the biggest kids in there. Messing about with all the gadgets. Heading out for tea tonight at the Boab Pub, Alan the landlord has done lots of fundraising for PMH what a guy... Also learnt today that you can fit 7 England's in just WA state, that's massive. Brads playing with his new remote control car, Steve's chopping wood for the fire... You wouldn't think I was in Australia with this weather. It's raining and very windy.
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Daz Whats WA?