OK, first of all, why does this website turn the photos sideways. Secondly, that's not me. After a bunch of people have fallen to their... demise at this spot I thought it best to stay back . Yosemite though was worth the enitre drive out west. It certianly is breathtaking. It is so grand you can't take it in all at once and of course, I forgot the charger for the 360 camera so I only got a couple. The photo album should be good once it loads. The camping was great and I met some terrific people. It was only 18 dollars but I had to improvise on showers. It was also great to be able to tear around the park on the motorcycle. The roads offer incredible views but you want to be careful to pay attention to the road because the guard rails are few and far between. Four days was enough and it was time to move on to Sacramento in time for the midterm elections.
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