Jordan and Linda were my fellow guests at Dive Kadavu and I was so lucky to have them. They were a lovely American couple both on their 2nd marriage and both very very into diving, infact Jordan was a Dive Instructor. They had been to Kadavu many times and had even bought some land with the intention of building a home for their retirement. The next day, we all went on a 3 tank dive expedition the dive sites were, Sea Fern Alley where we saw beautiful sea ferns, white tipped reef shark, parrot fish, big bat fish. A showl of Barracuda encircled me before continuing on their way, and a deadly black and white sea snake thankfully allowed us to look without reprise. We also saw a turtle. Next was The Point with more sea ferns, beautiful hard coral, anenomie fish and blast, or magic, coral. But the best was saved for last. We dived on Cabbage Patch, as we dived down the huge green cabbage like corals seemed to go on forever, set off against the white of the sand sea bed. It was just stunning and diving with Jordan and Linda made it so much more. They showed me the smaller creatures and pointed out giant clams. Our dive master was Soula and I buddied with him throughout. I felt really privaledged to be there. It seemed like we had the whole of the pacific to ourselves and yes these were the coloured corals and amazing fish that I had been waiting for. I am so glad I learnt to dive.
Next day we did Crazy Maze, which I think is one of my favourite sites with stunning swim throughs just like I had seen in books, Clown Fish, Pipe Fish, Trident Trigger Fish and beautiful beautiful corals. Then Feather Star, with it´s underwater canyons, small star fish, Bristle worms, Christmas tree coral and where I found a really lovely big Tiger Cowry shell (still occupied). My diving was really improving and I was now staying down longer before running low on air.
Day 3 dives were at 3 Ellis and Blue Tang, again with amazing swim throughs with their beautiful yellow ceilings, sea fans, more cowry shells, Big Sweetlips, Peppermint Shrimp and Trigger Fish. The sea was really quite rough at the end of Blue Tang which again was all good experience for me and I always felt in safe hands.
By day 4 I only had one dive left but was so aware of how lucky I was to be in such a place that I decided to book on for another 2 dives, as I keep saying, you only live once right! So we did Peters Place and Canyon, where I saw a huge cod, razor fish, sand eels and much much more.
Day 5 was my last dive day as I had to fly on day 6. For safety I could only do one dive in the morning. Jordan and Linda had to take the day off because they were flying to USA on day 6 so it was just me and my dive master. I was looking forward to it but also didn´t want it to end. We dived on Coral Village, which name says it all, both hard and soft beautifully coloured corals, Unicorn Fish, Snappers, Fish Lears, Parrot Fish. This was a very relaxing drift dive which lasted for the full hour (i must be getting better) The last 15 minutes were spent at 5metres just hanging out with the multitude of brightly coloured and very busy smaller fish all going about their business. Completely ignoring us we watched Nemo´s busying themselves in the anenomie corals and sergant major fish patroling for any scraps they could find. And so many more other fish of which I would love to know their names. It was so relaxing and mesmerising.
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