Hey Mum, Back in dreary England. The memories of New Zealand and going to keep me going through the next few months, and the Sky dive DVD and Bungee photos :)
I had the BEST time, Love you lots, keep having lots of fun!! xx
Hi Anne,
Well, I've just spent a lazy couple of hours looking at all your photos!!! The pictures are fantastic and you look in good shape too. Obviously all this travelling and adventure suits you! What a wonderful keepsake to have such a great album - waterfalls, rivers, mountains, gorges, sand dunes, wild animals, native africans, friends, aerial views, sunsets, parties ... it's all there. Thanks so much for sharing your african experiences with us all - roll on Aussie land and beyond. Have fun and take care,
Ann x
Hey Ann. So glad you have enjoyed looking at my pictures. I am having such an amazing time and it is hard to justify everything with photos. It is so great to be able to share them with you back home.
I hope you are ok and still enjoying the running.
Take care and keep in touch xxx
Jo Huxley
Hi Anne, hope all is going well thinking of you all the time. Bet your weather is better than ours we are back to our typical August - grey and drizzle. When you visit Sydney take a trip to the Blue Mountains and when up there take the cable car for spectacular views. There is a good reason that they are called the Blue Mountains!
Hope you are enjoying your 'big adventure' you are one gutsey lady!
Love Jo
Yvonne Grayson
Just to reiterate Anne, my comment which I somehow lost - yes I might stall too if asked to 'cuddle' a cheetah. Glad you are being taken care of and wondered if you had made contact with that lady I mentioned - can't remember her name - memory like a sieve!
Can you please cuddle a baby elephant for me I LOVE THEM!
Enjoy and take care!!!
Hi Anne, after being told off this morning for not looking at your blog,I thought I should do so before the pub run tomorrow. The pics from your leaving do are great. We will all miss you very much. See you tomorrow.
if you are visiting Sydney, I can recommend "Doyle's" fish restaurant in Watson's Bay, you can get to it via a "Cooks" tour ferry in the harbour, you can hop on almost right under the the bridge, there's also a zoo that's accessible from one of the many hop on points in the harbour, Black and White cabs operate in sydney and are the only ones, night life wise is the "Irish" part of their Kings Cross,which is just outside the main part of sydney, you would be right in assuming that part of it is a RED light district, or you may like the "Rockies" a good alternative which is near the bridge, its an area that has bars and restaurants, not forgetting the shops of course, a good brand of clothing that I found was Piranha, for T shirts, beachwear along with lots of other ideas.