Hey to everyone back home its been a while!!
Nothing much to report I've been boring - well I've not been boring but I ain't been moving around and I'm starting to get itchy feet and want to get going again!! Sad thing is I'm moving to a farm.
Still in Brisbane, have been temping for 4 weeks now at FKP Property Group as a Corporate Receptionist - very nice place/people, have 9 more days here then who knows whats next!! So whilst in Brisbane we have been loving every minute of having our own place, I even get up early in the mornings and go to the gym before work - haha this is a bit of a lie ive only been doing this for the past week but the efforts there and I intend to keep it up! I think my many days/nights of goon drinking and homebrand S&V crisps for the past 3 months have finally caught up and landed on me! Its an attractive look.
Its getting a bit cooler here now, not so much through the day but definately notice it at night - never thought I'd say that! So this weekend im off to DFO with the girls - jills first weekend off on god knows how long so we are going shopping and having chinese take away at night (ill try order something healthy...) and cinemas on sunday oh and apparently walking the new bridge...if its anything like going to watch the parade on anzac day we will end up in the pub!
Few weekends ago myself and Gemma had a "culturral" day after I handed back my works uniform to the restaurant - best thing i ever did. Id have severe exhaustion had i kept up both jobs over here and my lifestyle! So one had to go! We visited the Performing arts museum - we wrote letters to stick on the wall, mines was pretending to be proper and like i knew what i was on about Gemmas was about how she was lost, didnt know where she was and that she loved cheese :) This made me laugh alot. We then went to the Brisbane museum - omg this was so much fun! And that is not sarcasm. We played on things like the flying machine - only i could just about squeeze in but couldnt move my arms and gemma got in sideways. Discrimination we think. Then we saw how far we could jump - i thik i just made it to the leaping frog or whatever it was called and then we measured ourselves up against the records tallest and smallest people! I can no longer be called a hobbit thats all im saying :) See facebook for the pics ;) We all went out for lunch on Anzac day to our faveourite - the plough! we live there on sundays. came back to the apartment, had a movie day and went out at night! Good weekend.
It's emmas birthday next week and Kate is coming to stay with us for a few nights :) SO excited to see her as she goes home soon would have been sad not to say goodbye, unless she comes back out we wont see her til were back in the UK - thats a grim thought! Next weekend will no doubt be filled with lots of drink, dancing and hideous photos - i cannot wait :D!!
So we have our start date for our fruit picking - 14th june or possibly the week after but no later than that :D happy days...or not! That measn only a month left in our bootiful apartment, so we have to make the most of it! We are looking at renting apartments either in Bundy or Bagara as its close to the farm and the bossman will give us a lift to and from the farm! Do not fancy the rat infested, cockroach flying place of a hostel called "Cellblock" it doesnt even sound nice! ugh! rank! I am fully prepared to be crying every night after my back break 8-10 hour shift picking courgettes!
After that me and the girls (gemma emma jill and myself and whoever else decides to join) is going to surfes paradise for 5 days or so so that will be a riot filled with pampering, perving and partying! After that im flying to Perth to see my family and will be staying with them until Christmas and then I will be spending New Year in Sydney!!!
I'm also getting a visitor when i land in perth - LOUISE is coming to visit me in Perth for 3 whole weeks from 10th October so so so excited i cannot describe in words heehee!! Plan is to stay in perth for a week or so, then we are gunna get a camper van hired out and go up the west a bit stopping off places and staying over and get all the way to Coral bay so we can go on the ningaloo reef :) Super excited. Lots of things planned...including another skydive ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ill be super proud of me if i dont have another near heart attack im going to be super smooth this time ;)
Thats all for now, nice hearing from everyone speak soon xxxxxxxx
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