Okay so i am now back in Brisbane and this time I am loving it here! Everyone is so friendly, there are people singing and playing music in the streets wherever you go AND sushi is cheap :) happy days. So unlike last time, we actually have job hunted and not gone out on the razz every night and we have been succesful. Jill is a waitress some place, gemma works in a call centre and Emma has work through agencies! I am working in an Italian restaurant as a waitress too! I have to get a ferry which takes about 20 mins. I love it!
So since last time i update this thing, we went to Magnetic island - never been so bored in all my days, total and utter waste of money apart from the barbie and hello kitty cars! Mission beach - i did not see any humans here. Was only there to do a skydive but it was crap weather for 3 days so we did nothing, although me and gemma had a hot date and had the best pizza ever!! Not often i get excited about food but my god this was good!
We went to Cairns, i was sooo excited to go here and live a little after an exttremely boring week. Well we arrived monday and were going to have a few drinks...we dont really remember leaving our room, we thought we had super good voices and sang our hearts out in the gilligans bar apparently it was only around 9pm when we did this and most people were sober! We went to a few bars...rhino bar i remember and then some place else and then the was interesting and the girls in there pretty much wore nothing and went off with whatever! lovely! Anyway it was a good night and then i remembered i had my skydive the following day...
Woke up rough as hell and didn't no where i was..i mustve forgot we had moved places! We were not staying in gilligans the place where sleep is not allowed! I had th ebest intentions to go swimming, use the gym...i did none of this, infact i barely saw daylight the entire time i was there. i fully expected our skydive to be cancelled as it constantly was but oh no not today!! Right skydive - o my god! You will wet yourself when you watch the DVD! I was so excited to do it, however on the day i was sooooooo hungover, and then when i saw how tiny the plane was i freaked out! Hyperventaling and screaming a lot. I was 2nd, i thoguht going on the plane last id be out last - no no that did not happen! I remember saying god were about to do it we are sooo high - we were at 3000ft - we were skydiving from 14,000FT!! I went white and thought i was going to vomit. So getting ready hes attaching me to him, im sitting screaming and covering my eyes with my hands! Watch the first woman "fall" and then i loose it! Start screaming my head off shouting im not doing it im not doing it im not doing it!I even went as far as sticking my legs on the wall of the plane to stop him pushing us out haha!! So your meant to sit on the edge of the plane for about 5 secs, tuck your legs under the plane and get na my guy thought we best not do that! Once he had grabbed my leg and stuck it out the plane - all the time im still screaming my arse off, he just throws us out the plane, we are upside down tumbling around going round and round in the sky! most terrfying expeirence of my life! soooo much fun though and would def do another one :)!
I thought gemma was going to pass out when she landed...she was a very funny colour and was put straight to bed once back home haha. Me and jill like the true troopers we are went out on the worst pub crawl ever haha it was fun though! We ended up at the woolshed again swinging and dancing around on tables. We consumed far too many tequillas that evening and then it happened. I lost my phone. Devastation. I had done so well with not losing my phone - i had it for a good 3 months - oh well at leasty i hadnt paid for that one :) The next day was spent, getting a phone, feeling sorry for myself and in bed. It was all St Paddys day which meant i had to do it all over again.
All of us dressed up in green dresses/t-shirts something very short! Drank too much goon, vodka, jager bombs and whatever else was going! We all went to the woolshed again...there are other places we just always ended up there! IT was packed, but had good times as half the oz intro lot were there :)! it was a very late night and again dont remember anything of much!
The next day was spent, in bed as was the next haha. Went to cape tribulation (daintree forest) sooo beautiful there! Gorgeous place we stayed in too, Ferntree Lodge Resort...very nice indeedio , not very backpacker style at all haha! Our first day we spent sunbathing by the pool and then we went jungle surfing - this was very funny, not scary, not what i thought it would be at all but we had a lot of fun! At night time, we went out for tea to fancy restaurant as our last meal together.
We went horse riding on our last day ( i am sitting in an internet cafe having not showered and it is 8.30pm and i smell of horse poo...nice!)...LOVED horse riding! Forgot how much fun it was and now i want to go again :) SO i spoke to the guy who runs the farm horse and he has just got set up with WWoofing, anyways he says if i get int ouch when im heading back up, i can go work on his farm helping out with the horses and cleaning and stuff for 4 hours a day and then i get to ride the horses in the afternoons. Don't get paid but get free food and accomodation and because he does plant crops and stuff on his farm he can sign my sheet for the 2nd WHV! Woohoo, so prob me and one of the other girls will be doing this at some point before i leave the east coast for a couple of weeks!
So on friday night i was being all good and thinking i am not going out i need to be fresh faced for the restaurant interview as it was at 11am. Well i went to bed at half 6 (it had been a hectic day) and gemma came in the room pissed and persuaded me to come downstairs for a few first drink was a cowboy and slippery nipples! mixed with vodka and wine my 10pm curfew was shot as soon as it came into my head! We met up with Nick and he took us to some aussie house warming party, very pretty house i was muchos jealous! We played drinking games and it all goes very blurry! Met some funny, odd and normal guys there haha we got home around 3am and went to bed after myself and emma went to the 7/11 for chicken and mushroom pie mmmmmmmm haha not!
Woke up the next day and felt awful and a lil bit still drunk but anywasy off i went to the ferry and got to the interview, mustve said something good as he offered me a trial shift that night. Restaurant is lush and huge. Had my trial shift last night and we sat about 450 in 2.5 hours, sweated in places i never knew existed! So now we need an apartment! Viewed one place and i swear not even rats would have lived there it was a total and utter s*** hole! So today that is what i am doing..well actually I am off for a swim soon, just had a phone call about a place so we are off to view that! wooohoo!!
Thats all for now tara xxx
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