sorry havent updated this thing in a while, there was only one computer at the mission beach yha and it was stoneage. this ones not much better in magnetic island cant upload my photos from my camera which is a bit dissapointing. anyways...
mission beach, that was great, we were only guna stay there a few days to start with but we really liked it there so stayed a week and a half. it was a treehouse set right in the rainforrest and full of huuuge bugs and spiders. there were 3 poisonous ones living on the ceiling, not sure what they were but they were black and white stripey ones. i also saw a redback in the toilate, they look to small to do that much damage! saw a massssssive beetle about 10-15cms long, and found a massive spider on my bed, i got a shock coz it was in my makeup bag so went on my hand, it was a huntsman and im lucky it didnt bite me coz i scared it but it was about 8cms big and they said it was just a baby... yak... not poisonous though.
made friends with a guy called michael who had a car so he took us up to the tablelands for the day on day, that was nice, it looked a bit like england, but sunny, so not like england really! went swimming in the waterfalls which was nice but freezing! jonny got a job driving the youth hostel bus for a couple of days but i wasnt allowed coz you had to be 21, bt got us a coupla nights free accomodation and $100. we missed the bus to the villiage one day so decided to hitch hike which was a laugh, and also picked up some hitchhikers in the bus.
oh yeah we did a skydive, i told the woman at reception we were thinkin about doin a skydive and she was like right the weathers to good you have to do it today so an hour later we were in the plane haha.i havent seen the photos yet though coz the computers have been rubbush and they are on a disc, the video is good though. it was class, i made the mistake of bein the last one in so first one out haha. they sat me next to the door then we started goin and i was like when do you close the door? and they were like what door? haha i got the best views though. it wasnt even that scary, you feel kind of safe coz theres a guy strapped to your back. we did the highest skydive so we got 60seconds of freefall, proper killed my ears though. you drop from 14,000ft to 4,000ft in a minute then the man pulls the chute, he let me control where we went though which was fun. landing was funny, people sunbathing on the beach had to run out the way and i landed on my bum and got sand up me shorts haha. landed on mission beach so the views of the whole thing were amazing, saw the great barrier reef.
one night we were eating our tea and we heard a thud.. a gheko fell of the roof and landed on the table, just missing the fan, haha. i miss the dogs and cat at mission beach they were dead funny. right thats pretty much mission beach in a nutshell.
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