arrived here on magnetic island on wed, we booked a diving paddy course to see the reef in missionbeach and it included 3nights accomodation in the arcadia resort, so because the diving centre was next door we just booked and extra 2 nights there because the diving didnt start til the fri. anyways, we got there and the place was mingin, and absolute disgrace, we were staying in a dorm with leaky aircon and sheets from the people before and it was filthy, the kitchen was stinkin and covered in flies so we checked in and out within half an hour. we then rang the yha at bungalow bay koala sanctury and managed to get a room there, so had to wait in the dark for the bus because it was getting late by then. at the yha now and its great, we are in a little hut and there are animals everywhere. you need a torch to get around but its good, saw loads of wallabies and possums and parrots and lizards etc, its also got a koala sanctuary so i got to cuddle one yesterday, it was really cute but it smelt like feet.
started the diving course yesterday but i was sick a few times before we did anything in the water and got worse so ended up in the medicentre with a drip, but im feeling ok today, just going to start the 3day diving course on mon instead so staying on magnetic island a few extra days, such a hard life.. lol. people keep sayin we should do an advanced course because theres a shipwreck called the yongala which is supposed to be amazing but its deeper than 20m's so you have to do the advanced course but we'l have to see how much it is and stuff.
il update this when i get chance to. xxxx
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