you'l all be pleased to know that it chucked it down yesterday!!! i was cold and wet and on a stupid trip so couldnt even just sit in my room! haha oh well. i went swimming in a creek called crystal cascades. i had to lick an ants bum and it tasted of lemon, and of course i got picked to go first so wasnt too happy, haha but it did actually taste nice for ant wee. i ate a wild rainforest raspberry, it was really nice. then went to lake placid, like on the film. but there werent any crocs to be seen, apparently they only swim up there when its high water coz crocs dont like rapids. just bought flights to newzealand for a month, goin on 9th of december, so that should be good. not cheap though, cost us about 330 squids, but might as well go for it while were here. leaving cairns tomorrow morning to mission beach. guna try and stay at the yha there as well, hopefully get that booked tonight if theres room. il upload some pics when iv got time coz it takes a while to get them up. nearly forgot to mention, a man got eaten by a croc a coupla days ago just north of the daintree. he was out crabbing and leant over the boat and got eaten... ouch.
ciao x
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