arrived at dunedin after a nice drive from queenstown, the hostel was a lush old building and apprently very haunted.
we went on a trip to the cadbury factory! yey, so we got free choccy and watched the stuff being made. i asked the woman why the chocolate tasted different to english cadbury's because the driver of our bus was told on a tour they put a waxy sustance in it to stop it melting, but the woman told me it was coz the cows eat different food... yeah right so i felt cheated the rest of the tour!
we didnt get up to an awful lot in dunedin coz we got caught in a rainstorm on the second day there, there was a market but it was rubbish. dunedin has this lush rail station that it the most photographed thing in newzealand but me and jonny forgot to get a photo. haha.
oh wait, there it is, they have a pic on here!
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