Our final day of the jeep tour was meant to begin quite early, but the drivers had been up drinking til about an hour before we left and so the morning began quite slowly. We were all quite petrified to be driven around by a crazy bolivian drunk driver but what can you do when you are in the middle of nowhere with no other options.
Our first stop was the famous salt flats of bolivia which are truely stunning! It is just crazy to be in the middle of a salt desert with nothing else to see but the mountains in the background. We spent some time there getting some really funny photos (I just cant wait to show you them) and the the rest of the day was spent looking a various other sights which were not quite as cool.....a train grave yard!!
Anyway after travelling for three days we finally arrived in Uyuni, it was a completely deserted little town in the middle of nowhere and so after eating some lama or lunch we decided to hurry up and get the hell out of there before becomming stranded for another night!
Our bus was booked for 8pm and so after spending the afternoon eating what i think was probably a dog burger and the worlds most gross beer we headed to the bus.
If we thought the jeep tour was bad, this was a hundred times worse. Before we had even set off one guy had his bag stolen and when the bus started up the engine, lights went out and the rollercoaster from hell began.
The only way I can describe it is probably imagine you are in the darkest place, there are cliff edges everywhere, the bus driven is driving so fast the bus keeps nearly tipping over and to make matters worse he keeps over taking other vehicles with lorries heading our way. f*** me it was bloody scary!!!
Since then we have found out two busses have crashed on that road in the last couple of days and it is so notorious for being a dangerous journey people go days out of their way to avoid it.
Luckily we have someone looking after us because we survived!
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