We had booked ourselves onto a tour of the Isla del sol on Lake Titicaca and so headed off on this boat which was basically a piece of wood with the tiniest engine attached and crammed with over 50 people. To say it was slow is being generous! Two hours later after every boat on the lake had passed us we arrived at the island and because none of us speak spanish we didnt have a clue what time or where the boat was taking us back from. We finally worked out that we had until 3pm to get to the other side of the island and so we set off without a map across the mountains in the search of the other port.
Along the way we found a couple doing the same route who had a map and all they said was just keep to the paths that go off left! So we did.
The trails led us over some beautiful mountains and through the most remote villages until finally we found our way down off the mounbtains into the port. The only food available were these uuber greasy chips with bits of sausage on top...mmmm.
We got the boat back and finally it arrived back in the port after a very slow ride home against the current. We decided that tomorrow we would head to Puno which is the Peruvian side of the lake. We had mexican food for dinner which was actually pretty good before heading to bed ready for the bus in the morning.
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