So day 2 in Lap paz. Mike woke up at some stupid time in the morning (Aimee I dont quite know how this doesnt drive you crazy :) and we both grabbed some pancakes for breakfast before I headed back to bed. I felt so rough. Mike and Hannah were fine....b******s!! We all thought we must have spent a fortune the night before but it was 6 pounds! Finally we all got up around lunch time and headed to the local travellers hangout..olivers travels for some lunch. To give you some idea, mike and I had T-bone steak for a pound each. I promptly wasted that pound down the toilet. I dont know if its the altitude or just the volume of alcohol but my hangovers are soooo bad! Finally we dragged ourselves away from our pints of PG tips and decided to go to the cinema and see Batman. Mike was so impressed that it wa a pound to go to the cinema. I just wanted to eat popcorn and curl up and sleep. The film is bloody scary, mike loved it, i didnt.
That night the four of us went to a thai restaurant and spent what we thought was a fortune on food. Four pound each!!
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