Anna's travels......
Sunday 06/03/05
Hola Amigos,
Just to let you all know, I have arrived safely with my new family. After a nice 11hr journey. My Mum is really nice. Only speaks Spanish, which is a good thing so that I do not speak English for a week. We have been chatting for about an hour. Her going on and on, and me looking in my phrase book when I want to ask her something. I am understand some of what she says and she has even understood some of my questions! There is light at the end of this tunnel....
I'm living in a town house. Nice, Clean and tidy. I have my own room, yippee!! I can empty out this rucsac for a whole week. It even has a roof terrece so I can do some sun bathing! It is really hot here. Hotter than BA AS.
Mum made me a traditional Argentina dinner. Ham and Cheese fryed thing (called millians, something like that), served with sliced tomotoes and red cabbage. No chance of getting fat here! It was nice though. She is so cute, she even walked me down to the internet cafe.
She has a daughter, and there are 2 other students there. All about my age. Haven't met them yet. Hopefully they will take me out and show me the local bars. Not tonight though as it is a school night!! School starts at 8.30am tomorrow morning. I am rather looking forward to it.
I managed a whole bus journey on my own too!!! (Impressed Andy!!??) Even though I was not totally with it. What with getting in at 5.30am and then having to get up at 6.15am to catch the bus at 7.30am. Nice.
No english people on bus! Arghh. So when the bus stopped, we all got off and then it went, there was slight panic coming over me. But a really nice couple told me that they were changing buses as the air conditioning was broke (wondered why I was sweating so much) and that we had to wait an hour for a new bus.
New bus was smaller and didn`t have 2 levels, so there was confussion with the seat numbers and some arggie girl made me move, as apparently I was in her seat. I tried to explain that I wasn't but no one understood me. By this point the whole bus was looking at me as if I was a freek show. The bus man took pitty on my a found me a seat at the back, he even gave me a free drink! It totally was not my fault (just thought I would add that in). But this had made me more determine to learn spanish.
Think I am going to enjoy this week here.
Arggie Mum has said that anyone can phone me on the house phone, best time for me will probably be about 6.30pm (9.30pm english time). Just text before you ring. I`ll be here until saturday or sunday. Tel: 00 54 351 421 3356
Bon noche!
Anna x
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