Well into my final week in Tansen, sad times, its been Biblical.
"Like a London bus, you wait all day and 3 come along at once". This famous cliche doesn't quite fit my experience with inverted nipples and transilluminating testicles. I certainly haven't been waiting for them, but indeed 3 of each came along this afternoon. How suspicious that on my last week such seemingly trivial, even comedic phenoma should show up in clinic, not that a hydrocoele (medical dictionary: swollen b******) is always trivial.
Its great to have my close buddy Mahesh back for the final week. We ran the clinic together this afternoon and always manage to have a ball even though the caseload is high. We always enforce an obligatory chiya break for all staff mid afternoon to keep morale and bloode sugar levels high. Tonight we played table tennis. As always I was but a 'fart in the wind' compared to Dr Chura and Mahesh but it always is enjoyable.
So what have I learn't from my time working out here in rural Nepal? Ask me in a couple of months and I will tell you in full. I am someone who needs time and space to process the significance of these amazing transcultural experiences before I can really absorb every drop of its richness, However, certain things have been apparent throughout. An ability to work as part of a team of internationals is a skill I have had to acquire immediately. I have become more independent and yet more dependent all in other words, more dependent on God but more independent in the sense I have learn't how to cope in an isolated, quiet corner of the world, often on my own. Oh, and I'velearn't how severe Diarrhoea can be in Nepal.
A fun last few days is in store before I take a 'Yeti airways' flight back to Kathmandhu. How can I take a flight seriously when its run by Yeti airways. I won't feel safe until I am on solid ground in the capital.
- comments
Stuart By George you do see life "fat botswanans" "Three testicles" "farting in the wind" Hopefully not at the same time as your diarrhoea. Its all to much before breakfast. Seriously you're fabulous. Proud of you sunshine, keep it up.