Friday and saturday were days of orientation. I woke up on friday morning feeling heaps better than I had on thursday night. I had gotten pretty delerious in the heat of the bus ride and I can remember convincing myself at some point on the ride over that I had somehow acquired meningitis. It really makes me laugh now i think about it!! I was in a steel cage of emotion with no way out. But now I am free! and what a place to be free.
So I got up to meet my supervisors ana and steve pickering. Two ozzies with a massive heart for Nepal. Myself and ana went through an introduction to Tansen and she then showed me round the hospital. She was meant to be in the emergency department and so we kept popping in to see what had come through the door. We saw typhoid, cholecystitis and nephrotic syndrome in the space of an hour. I was in shorts and a T-shirt as I thought we were just looking round the hospital. She introduced me to the Doctors I would be working with over the next few weeks, all very friendly and happy I was there!
The normal day begins with handover at 7;45, ward round followed by tea ('chiya') and samosa break, followed by outpatients for the rest of the day. Outpatients is always packed. The working week is sunday to friday. I am going to be working hard for the weeks that I am here that is for sure!
After lunch I was shown round town by the guesthouse manager Ganesh (Ken and louise do you know him?). He is a basil faulty type character, hysterically funny and friendly. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I called him at three in the morning asking him to bring me a cup of 'chiya' he is so friendly. I might try it tonight.
After this I had my first language lesson with a man named Keela. He is super cool. They are hour sessions and I am going to have three a week just so that I can greet people and speak to patients in a very basic way. It was tricky to pick up but atleast now I can say hello, my name is andrew, I am from England and I am a student Doctor. It will go along way this week! Its better than the blank stare followed by a mumbling of some pigeon English until the awkwardness of the situation diffuses the conversation.
I finished friday with a trip to 'half way house' orphanage. To get there involved negotiating some steep banks and rough terrain, but it was so worth it. The orphangae has 17 children, all gorgeous and super friendly. They call me uncle and we went to the roof to play football and then some more girly games. It was a real joy. The only painful part was leaving but I promised to be back next week. They were the cutest, friendliest kids I had ever met. I couldn't help thinking about how much my two vicki's and my mum would have loved to visit this orphanage. Even stay and work there for a while.
Oh and for dinner I went out with two couples, ana and steve and elaine and graeme. They invited me to crach and I did just that. They are great company. On the dark walk home the whole valley was lit up by fire fly's, you would have to see it to believe it!
Today I have watched Mr Bean and have climberd to a near bye village with a great view point. By the time we got up we were in the middle of a cloud and I couldn't see more than 5 metres in front. I was pleased with the cool air though, this place is boiling!
I feel like I have just come through the culture shock. No doubt there will be hard times ahead but I know this experience is doing wonders for my strength and endurance. The language barrier in hospital is going to be a huge challenge but hopefully I will find my place :)
Thank you so much for all your messages of support, its great to hear from all of you!
- comments
Ken Namaste Andrew...great to know that you have had such a good welcome and are feeling so much better. No, we don't know Ganesh but he sounds like fun. You will no doubt have a great week this week as you start working with the staff and patients - we'll continue to follow your blog with great interest and envy. Enjoy!
Edwin Don't make it sound too attractive especially the bit about the orphange or you will have Vicki and mum wanting to come out! So glad you have got over the culture shock dip.....enjoy all the new experiences and friendships.
Vicki Pugh book flights? pour moi . yes. thankyou hahaha
Mark Lee Hi Andy. Sounds like you're being looked after and beginning to settle in to what I'm sure will be an amazing adventure...hope you'll be back in time for baby sitting duties. Continued prayers.